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What LC thinks and stuff 272

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual and unexpectedly a lot of science, mainly physics, stuff happened this week so this weeks blog has a lot of science anyway lets get into this scientific week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:


Random and funny stuff of the week:

Well I watched someone create Minecraft on a calculator. I actually want to get the type of calculator they used so I can play Minecraft on it now.

Is it a crime against humanity to do experiments on myself? I'm assuming no since I give consent but what I want to test may seem a bit unethical, it's not dangerous though. The only things I know about human experimentation is stuff regarding medical physics, mainly radiation stuff, so other than that stuff I don't know. Also what I want to test is to see if I can feel temperature when my leg goes numb/dead because I've been sitting incorrectly so I've lost blood flow to it.

153 videos were taking up 11GB of space on my phone...

I haven't used Google AI yet and I probably won't be able to because I'm dying because of how funny the search results are, LOL!

This is concerning, LOL!

I don't remember if I've talked about these before but Krave, which was my favorite cereal before chocolate flavored lucky charms, makes a bar version of there cereal which is nice but I prefer there cereal also I haven't had them for a long time since I very rarely eat cereal.

My uterus:

The speed of light is "13 oops", I made a mistake!

I've mentioned this before but I love how shiny my skin is. Yes I'm weird because I like how light reflects off of my skin, LOL!

Last week I mentioned how I got a small bruise under my nail, well I was cutting that nail and I don't know if it's still considered a bruise, I assume it is, but it was just hardened blood under the nail so the "bruise" is nearly entirely gone now.

I must remember to buy the ahegao bikini before I go on holiday so I can wear it when on holiday.

We have a massive bag of grated cheese in the fridge. I'm tempted to steal it and eat it all whilst watching anime.

Literally me at work. (I should really stop making this joke because if my work place and/or government find out then they might take my license away, LOL!)

I completely forgot that ps2's (and ps1's) had blue disks, I loved those disks because of there colouring!

I already know all of the information about the current model of the atom and I actually knew some of the information about old models of the atom, such as the ancient origins of the atom theory, but this video gave me a lot of new information which I thought was amazing.

Bacon flavored crisps are banned...

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I watched the new episode of "Helluva boss" and it was amazing as usual but the ending was sad. Anyway I can't wait to see the next episode!


As mentioned last week I've been playing "Infinite craft" and I have become addicted to it and if you know me then you know I'm a Jewish physicist and outside my irl job I'm interested in and do research into the merger of Kabbalah(Jewish mysticism/occultism) and string theory(theoretical physics), because they look very similar, so I wanted to see what I would get if I merged them in "Infinite craft" and interestingly, surprisingly and amazingly it created the stuff in the "merger of Kabbalah and string theory" model I've been working on which is fucking amazing!

And as you can see, in "Infinite craft", "The oracle"(=342, 63, 18) and "Oracle"(=64, 28, 19) are words that are foundational to the merger of Kabbalah and string theory so I decided to look at there Hebrew gematrias and interestingly there gematrias are connected to each other, the numbers foundational to the merger of Kabbalah and string theory, and the gematria of my name (and because of this it interesting and "coincidentally" corresponds to the bio I use to use on my old Fandom/Wikia account on the two wikis I use to frequently use: "I am the ultimate god[dess], I am the creator of all gods [and goddess]. I am the number 64, the flower of life[, the womb of gods, goddesses and the universe.]"):

103×11=10(:)30(=63(0))+1(:)03(=63)=11(:)33=693(=(231=(base 22=)21(=3×7 polygon)st triangle number)×3)|(546=)396(base 12)(base 13)=63(0=9×7)(polygon)=(base)(0:)64=(0:)4(³)=(0:)28=7th triangle number(2D)=7th tetrahedral number (3D)=84(vesica piscis in the flower of life that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid)=12×7=12th heptagonal(7) number=(7³=(base)343=)(0:)342(polygon)(=666(base 7)(base 9)=546)=(0:)18(=(0:)6)(polygon)=(base)(0:)19(=(base)(0:)7)=3rd hexagonal number, 2×(7th triangle number)=3rd star number=3rd hexagonal number+(6×(2nd triangle number)+1), double flower of life(that contains the 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)84×2=168)=torus=E8(8D 64 tetrahedron grid)((=)168 roots), 21st triangle number=(6×(pointing up)7th triangle number(=168 (roots)))+(3×(pointing down(symbol of the womb))6th triangle number((=)21)(=63 (roots))).

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!

1 Comment

Jun 10, 2024

Unfortunately the video, in the research section, has stopped working so here is the link.


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