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What LC thinks and stuff 271

Writer's picture: LCLC

Updated: Jun 9, 2024

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual and, again, I had an extra long weekend because Monday was another bank holiday! Also yesterday was the 1st of June so it is now pride month so who wants to be lesbian with me(, LOL)! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

There fucking hypocrites.

Random and funny stuff of the week:

Last Sunday afternoon I heard thunder so I was hope to see electric in the sky!

Whilst shutting the door I accidentally hit my finger, specifically the finger nail, on the stone covered wall outside and now I have a small bruise underneath my fingernail... I'm surprised I didn't actually break my fingernail itself.

During Sunday night I ate a lot of cheese before going to bed and, yet again, it didn't give me nightmares either because my brain can't give me nightmares because it can't scare me, unless it's apparently about losing something or because my brain needs to wake me up because I'm laying on my arm but I don't consider those nightmares, or cheese just doesn't give you nightmares. To be honest I really don't remember when I last had a nightmare, the last nightmare, that I actually considered a nightmare, that I actually remember, and have mentioned before, was the one where I dreamed about the god Anubis "chasing" me and for some reason he had no hair, LOL!

The BGT finals were this week so it's been live all week also talk about BGT, there were a lot of Japanese contestants this year.

Yes it was definitely clapping coming from my room, LOL(!):

Me to my brother: You missed the thunderstorm yesterday!
My friend to my brother: You didn't miss anything, it was just clapping coming from her room.

Me at my wedding, LOL!

When your a British Jewish physicist (me) who watches physics videos and is interested in researching Nazism (mainly because of antisemitism) you get these videos on YouTube, LOL(!):

Should I? Especially on my TV?

I'm fucking dying, LOL!

I found out my sister has me saved in her contacts as "ding dong dildo", LOL!

Me and my sister did a "How Asian are you?" test and apparently she is more Asian than me even though I'm more influenced by/interested in Asian culture and, according to my brothers and sisters, look the most Asian, LOL!

Literally me, LOL!


I've been playing "Infinite craft" and I'm addicted to it!

"Nation Wide" is a bank here in the UK and in one of there ads a banker said "this person doesn't know how to spell banker" and the person with him basically responded saying "It isn't banker". If your not British you won't understand but the person basically wrote "wanker", LOL!

My tome:

Me and my fiance have decided that when we get married we will have a double barreled last name, we will use the first part of my last name and his last name. I'm still disappointed that he won't change his last name to something that begins with a "D" because my initials won't be LSD.

I was planning on hacking my 3DS yesterday but I turned it back on after a few months and apparently the SD card is no longer working, which isn't a surprise since it's a DSi SD card so it's like 15 years old, so that's disappointing especially since it's the SD card which had a lot of my old pictures. So I'm going to have to buy a new one but I was planning on doing so anyway because the 3DS hack I am following, which is the one "Some Ordinary Gamers" did, needs a 32GB SD card.

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished rewatching "code geass" and as usual it was amazing, also I don't know how many people noticed this but it was obvious, and I've been wanting to talk about it, but the "[sword of] Damocles" is a reference to nuclear weapons irl and in the anime the "Damocles" shoots the "F.L.E.I.J.A." which is a bomb based on the nuke and to be honest I think it is a nuke because it's inventor, "Nina Einstein", was shown working on Uranium and she said she was trying to split it in one scene and in another she says she finally split it also her last name is "Einstein" who's discoveries irl actually lead to the creation of nuclear bombs. Also since "Nina's" last name is "Einstein", I'm wondering if she is Jewish and if she is then she is a weirder Jew than me, which is saying something, because she literally masturbated using the corner of a table, LOL! Anyway I watched the three recap/remake movies and I'm not going to lie, I personally fucking hated them, not just because it's only in subs and I hate subs for a few reasons but I loved the subbers comments (see picture), I hated them because they changed, removed and remade things including some of my favorite scenes for example they remade my favorite scene from season 1 episode 12 and no I'm not talking about Nina masturbating, LOL! I still don't understand why they had to change things because they could have still made the 4th movie since people were theorising Lelouch survived anyway I actually like the 4th movie especially since it's dubbed also the new sequel series to it, which started airing the day after I started rewatching the anime, is apparently going to be on Disney Plus in the US so I hope it will be here in the UK too and I'm hoping it gets dubbed.

  • Anyway I'm now rewatching "Assassination Classroom" since I only watched it once which was the year after it finished so about 7 years ago I think.

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye! ---


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