I am LC an ethereal being(Xenplexian) I keep most things about me secret I have told very little about myself but I have done it in a way that makes you think you know alot about me. To find out the information i have made public read this blog post LC's Life.
I created this blog to show my adventure into the future in helping the human race evolve and advance by showing them how the universe works and I also created it to show my crazy life so people can have fun reading it and I basically created it to release all my emotions which most of the time is "amazingly amazing" and I release this amazingly amazing motion to make people feel happy and unlike other people I reveal the bad stuff about life not just the good to make people think I have a better life because I don't have a better life I just want to show my life as it is and make people happy and have fun!
This blog is basically a log/diary for my random stuff and updates about my research.
Don't assume stuff about me if you know me or don't:
I am not a narcissist, I even did 4 tests which say I am not a narcissist, I'm apparently below average on the narcissist scale so don't say I'm a narcissist when you don't know much about me.
I hate lying, because people use to bully me thinking I was lying, so I don't lie and I have no reason to lie.
I am not schizophrenic, proof that I am not is I don't even have the symptoms and all of my friends agree I am not schizophrenic so don't even say I'm schizophrenic without even knowing me.
I'm a INFJ-6w7-612

I am a Cherubim