Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week I have been very busy writing my post debunking antisemitic conspiracy theories, which I will talk about next, anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
This post(PDF) was originally going to debunk the "Khazar theory", and I think some antisemitic conspiracy theories, but due to recent events I thought it would be important to expand the post with information I have gathered over the past year to debunk the main antisemitic conspiracy theories so this post has technically been in the making for over a year. I did originally write a small post on my blog debunking the conspiracy theories on the 7th of March which has now been incorporated into this post. This post is technically 7 pages long and was honestly painful for me to write so I am glad I have finished it and am finally getting it out.
Based on the information in this post we can figure out the elites aren't Jewish and they have a plan for the Jewish people which is:
The Romans rename Israel/Judah to Palestine and kick Jews out of the land and turned the Jews into slaves. This is the point where the Jews became slaves to the elite.
Embed anitsemitism into society and create and spread anitsemitic conspiracy theories to rewrite history and increase antisemitism to aid in the genocide of Jews.
After WW2 the elite allowed the Jews to (re)establish Israel, but would corrupt it by placing the people they want in power, to aid in the genocide of Jews.
The elite use two groups(the nations that “support” Jews and the nations that don’t support Jews) to use Israel to increase antisemitism to aid in the genocide of Jews.
I don't know if this post will do much but I just want this obvious information to get out into the public.
Anyway in other news I think the UK is fucked...

Anyway lets get into this week!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
So apparently I'm now my sister's mom, I don't know how that works but ok, LOL!
Last week I said I need to stop drinking so much pure orange juice but what was I doing on Sunday night? Drinking 1 litre of pure orange juice!
So me and my brother were talking about how there use to be cartoons illegally streamed on YouTube and I mentioned how people use to illegally stream south park episodes. So my brother ended up searching south park on YouTube and you know how you can buy tv shows and movies on YouTube well he wanted to but all of south park so he calculated how much it would cost and, if his calculation is correct, it would cost £743.25 to buy all the seasons from YouTube, LOL!
Also talking about my brother, I seriously can not be around him without him making weird comments such as these ones from this week:
He said I am in love with potatoes and have sex with potatoes, LOL!
He said he is taller than me and that I'm "just a midget at a computer", I don't know if I should be offended by this comment but I probably should be, LOL!
He thought a pink teddy I was holding was, and I'm quoting him, "a pink fluffy dildo", LOL!
One of my favorite memes!

I'll just leave this here:

Imagine if he does end up creating an only fans, LOL!
I got this nice thunderstorm warning!

I've finished "Ijiranaide Nagatoro-san" which had a surprising but amazing ending! I can't wait for season 2!
I also watched "Komi Can't Communicate" Season 2 this week and as usual it was amazing! Also (spoiler) one of my favorite parts was when Ren put Komi's tights on her face and started running around the school, LOL!
I also finished "Yuru camp" season 1 this week and I can't wait for the dub of season 2!
Also "Knights of the Zodiac: Saint Seiya" season 2 has apparently finished but it finished on a cliffhanger but I thought it was going to have more episodes so I'm confused as to if it has finished or not.
Anyway I have started watching "My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU" which I am loving!
Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!