(I have rewritten this blog, with additional information and in a new order, in this PDF with more detailed information debunking these conspiracy theories.)
I am from a Jewish family, which I love being from, and unfortunately, and not a surprise, I've experienced antisemitism, one of the things I despise the most. Antisemitism is one of the reasons I don't normally tell people I'm from a Jewish family. I'm not very openly Jewish because I don't follow the religion myself (but I believe in Kabbalah) but recently over the past year I've become more open about it because I've noticed how bad the antisemitism still is. So I have a question which branches out into many questions:
If Jews really controlled the world then why would they let the media be full of antisemitism (such as antisemitic tropes which make Jews look bad and make villains look like Jews)? Why would they let antisemitic conspiracy theories spread? Why would they let the "elders of zion"(which is a fake document which claims Jews want to control everything) spread? Why is there so much antiseminism and why is it everywhere? Why has antisemitism been around for thousands of years and why have most Jews experienced it? Why do harmless innocent Jews get attacked and sometimes even murdered for no reason? Why can't Jews walk around without getting attacked? If anything the people who rule the world aren't Jewish and (in the past) they don't want the Jews around, if they were Jewish they wouldn't have let antisemitism exist for thousands of years and wouldn't have let it be embedded in society and they definitely wouldn't be wanting a genocide of themselves. If the people in power are Jews then they aren't real Jews because they wouldn't let all this antisemitism exist to the point where us innocent harmless Jews get attacked.
The elite and there empires, on multiple occasions, have attempted to kill most of us Jews off and in the worse cases they have attempted a genocide of us Jews and attempt to erase us Jews such as when the Romans slaughtered many of us Jews and renamed our homeland to Palestine to erase the ancient Jewish history and connection to the land. Us Jews are not safe in any country, we have been repeatedly attacked in every country due to the antisemitism deeply embedded in society. The only place we would be safe is in a country of our own which would, rightfully, be in our indigenous land which our religion is centered around.
Zionism is the belief that Jews have the right to self-determination in there ancestral/indigenous homeland. It has been genetically proven that, most, Jews are descended from ancient Israel/Judea and are, therefore, indigenous to the land, it is also proven that Jews are descended from Canaanites and that they were tribes that rose after the collapse of Canaanites: "Archaeology shows the Canaanites collapse, which was not caused by ancient Israel, lead to the emergence of ancient Israel. Israel was first mentioned in the Merneptah Stele c. 1208 bce showing the Israelites were a culture and ethnic group who lived in the land for thousands of years which proves the Jews and there ancestors are, some of, the original inhabitants/indigenous people of the land which they ruled. Note: The genetics of current day Jews, which also proves this, shows Jews originated from the middle east/ancient Israel."
The (Palestinian) Arabs wanted to claim all the land because they are indigenous to it yet they wouldn't let Jews who are also indigenous to the land claim some land because "Arabs opposed Zionism, this opposition was motivated by antisemitism" in the past. This would unfortunately "lead to the Arab riots which were instigated by Arabs acting on unfounded rumors of Jewish actions against Arabs leading to Arabs slaughtering Jews and further riots happening leading Jews to attack back" which would unfortunately escalate to "Arab nations declared war on Israel and invaded the land because they wanted a united Palestine", once Israel declare its independence, which would then lead to Israel taking it too far.
Unfortunately Israel taking it too far isn't a surprise due to all the attacks it suffers but that isn't the only reason because Israel taking it too far is also due to the Israeli government being corrupted with the elites leaders, like all other governments. This has now led to people attacking Israel and therefore us Jews which was obvious in 2021, which has said to been the was worst year for antisemitism, with the massive rise of antisemitism due to the Israel/Palestine conflict. The problem isn't Zionism or Israel, the problem is the current Government of Israel who are corrupted and have taken things too far. Us Jews condemn the actions, of the current Government, that harm people. Us Jews just want peace. The attacking of Zionism and Israel is leading to Jews getting attacked which is planned by the elite and it will not sole the problem.
Us Jews have helped advance humanity, for the better. Quite a lot of influential people, especially in science, were Jewish and helped advance humanity. So stop attacking us Jews, we are not the bad people, the elite aren't Jews if they are letting this horrible stuff happen to there own people.
As I also mentioned genetics also proves current day Jews originated from ancient Israel which debunks the antisemetic Khazar theory which says the Ashkenazi Jews aren't real Jews.
All quotations are from a picture I created to explain facts about Israel and the origin of us Jews:

Yes there is obviously an elite who rule the world:
The people elected into Governments are funded by corporations.
The corporations are run on money which they get from the banks.
The banks control the money which gives the corporations power to put the people in power.
But they are not Jewish! If they were Jewish they wouldn't be harming the Jewish community.