Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! IT'S 3 YEARS SINCE THE START OF THE BLOG! 3 YEARS OF RANDOM STUFF EVERY WEEK! This blog post is unfortunately late by a week, because I wanted to finish the main parts of my autobiography which is the special for the three year blog, so this blog will be long. Also last week I had to write a very important post about current events, I also wrote an important post about antisemitism, I will talk about these blog posts next.
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
As mentioned I wrote two important posts:
The events regarding Russia and Ukraine, I had to write a seperat post about it since it is important that I brought it up since I am half Russian.
Last week, on Tuesday, I got really fucking angry because I came across a tweet from some fucking idiot threatening to kill all Jews because we "control everything", I've fucking had enough of these stupid antisemitic conspiracy theories. I was already written a post about antisemitism and these antisemitic conspiracy theories but last tuesday I decided I would finally finish it and post it. The post is now up.
I decided to create a new category called "serious" for posts like this.
Anyway lets move onto less serious stuff! Even though I doubt people will read it I have written an autobiography! I wanted to have all the main/important stuff in it before I published it and now that I have got all that stuff in it I am able to publish it! I will still be adding to it but it pretty much has all the important stuff in it. Its 9 pages long, I didn't expect it to be that long but it is. Anyway lets get into the past two weeks!
Random stuff of the week:
Last week I got asked out on a date and on saturday we went out on the date! I haven't been on a date for a very long time and this one was amazing! We had some amazing food! When we got back he kissed me on the lips and said good night! I've known him since we were at secondary school and we pretty much haven't talked much for the past two years since the VIRUS happened but last week my friends persuaded me to invite him over so I did and last week he was here for a few hours which was when he asked me out on a date. I honestly really like him, he knows about my current situation so he wants to take it slow until I'm ready, which is nice. Next week were going on another date!
One massive problem I had last week was for some reason one of my teeth was really sensitive and hurting, it hurt to touch it and put any pressure on it, the constant pain made me want to rip my tooth out. I don't exactly know what happened but the pain in my tooth went away but it was still sensitive to touch. Even though the tooth was in the top of my jaw the bottom of my jaw started hurting so it was hard to sleep, luckily all the pain started going away. It wasn't a cavity, because there was no visible hole in the tooth or any of my teeth, and medication didn't take the pain away from my tooth but it took my jaw pain away. I thought it was gum disease but I doubt that now. I'm pretty sure the exact same thing happened a few years ago but honestly I don't know what it was but at least the pain is gone.
Last week was 22/02/2022! An amazing date, at least we were born at the right time to see it!
I found this amazing teal coloured phone case, it looks more teal/green irl compared to what it looks like in my picture, it looks more like the picture on Amazon:
Sorry about catfishing you, LOL!

I don't know why but my bedroom clock was behind by an hour even though no one had touched it for months.
So I had my sister repeatedly saying "LC loves and wears thongs, LC has big thongs" and I had her friend saying I "look Chinese", I have no idea how I look Chinese, I don't even look Chinese.
Well... New World Order was trending:

This week was pancake day! So I had two pancakes covered with lemon juice!
I came across this:

We had spaghetti for dinner and I was sucking it up like I always do and I said "well that spaghetti was hard to suck up" because I sucked up quite a bit and obviously one of my friends laughed, LOL!
Some interesting news from Crunchyroll:

I created a new better discord theme! Obviously I had to create one based on my theme, I should give my "theme" a name, I'm going to call "LCherubim theme":

Since I've started using betterdiscord more, I decided to use plugins! The first one I got was "Account switcher" which basically allows me to switch between my two accounts! I downloaded a few plugins which includes "Translate", "Write uppercase", "Spell check", "Split large messages", "Double click to edit", "User details", "Server details", "Quick mention", "Personal pins" and "Copy raw message".

I think I had one of the spiciest pizzas I will ever have... It had a lot of chilly based stuff on it... My lips and tongue were literally stinging and burning...
I'm pretty sure I am slightly lactose intolerance because I can't drink pure milked by itself because it makes me feel sick. I wouldn't be surprised if I am since it is common in Jewish people.
Going to get one of these for when I'm pregnant, when ever that happens, LOL!

I remade my "LC angel logo". My previous one had an angel overlayed on it, that picture of an angel not belonging to me, so I remade it with my angel avatar overlayed onto it!

So Twitter and Facebook are apparently banned in Russia now:

I'm pretty sure I had a dream about WW3...
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
I rewatched "Your lie in April" on Netflix, I decided to rewatch it because the 28th of February was literally the last day you can watch it on Netflix UK because unfortunately and surprisingly it's being removed on the 28th, it's been on Netflix for years and there removing it now...
For the past year I haven't really been posting much of my research because I have been very busy and haven't had much time to finish my diagrams, I have a few diagrams that I have been working on for months and I am hoping to finish them and release them over the next few months, I am trying to get back into researching and I have thought of a plan on how to do that. I will post a "big" diagram every month and half way through the month I will post a small diagram which will most likely be a preview of my big diagram. Here is, a now finished, diagram which I started creating on the 22nd of August:
3D and 2D trees of life merging:

This post would have been out yesterday but I was busy finishing this diagram so this post is even later by one day, so 2 weeks 1 day, anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!