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What LC thinks and stuff 81

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Last week I forgot to mention I nearly have 500 followers on my Instagram profile 64tge8st and on Saturday night i reached 500 YAY! I now have 512 followers YAY! anyway I don't know if there will be to talk about in this blog due to the same reason as last week and not much happened but last week it turned out there was quite a bit so it might be the same this week, never trust me when I say I don't know if there is much to talk about LOL anyway lets talk about this week!

On Saturday I took my phone off charge when it was at 95% I turned off the screen for a few mins and when I turned it back on to do something it was on 97%, apparently this isn't uncommon which I can agree with because I've had similar stuff happen to me before but I do want to know what exactly happened and I joked about it saying "I have broken the laws of chemistry and therefore physics!" LOL, lithium ion batteries are weird sometimes and to be honest I hate them because they can be dangerous because when they heat up too much they can expload.

I finished watching sword art online alicization a few days ago and I loved it but it did leave us on a cliffhanger, the ending was interesting but I didn't like it that much but still it was good anyway I will be either watching the new season of seven deadly sins or the new season of Tokyo Ghoul on Netflix soon also I need to finish Fuller House on Netflix and I also want to watch Avatar.

An interesting insult which really isn't an insult that my family came up with is calling someone a Dodecahedron, I honestly don't know why we do it but it is funny, "stop being a dodecahedron".

I had a weird dream again last night but I did like it LOL, I was on a cliff at one of my favorite place and I slipped and fell off but I grabbed the edge of the cliff and unfortunately I woke up so I don't know what happened.

Us scientists really do have to put up with stupid shit sometimes:

(I'm thinking about adding memes to my blogs)

Also talking about this I had to debunk a flat earther again:

Edge of wonder released a great video this week which shows how the media basically lies about Trump, its seriously a great video and I suggest you watch it!

So this week I have been arguing with some stupid Christians who are saying "Aliens are demons" which is just so fucking stupid and self-centered and I find it really offensive when they say it, they think there are only demons, angels and god which is incorrect and this argument happened on a Christians Instagram post and this Christian used a Q post which proved aliens but this Christian decided to say Q was speaking spiritually when asked is there any other life yet the Q post was called "Alien life exists in outer space" and the question Q answered was "Are we alone? Roswell?" so the person was asking about is there any other life in space and mentioned Roswell because of the famous Roswell UFO incident, Q answered No we are not alone and said consider the vastness of space because there are hundreds of billions of stars in each galaxy and hundreds of billions of galaxies and this brings up the fermi paradox which suggest there has to be other life plus there is lots of evidence of other alien life visiting earth, because of this I edited my religion and god discussion on my wiki which I updated quite a bit this week and I added new stuff to it such as a debunking of "Aliens are demons" anyway the first picture is this argument on this Christian post and the second two pictures were on another post on Instagram, from a science profile, which was a welcome message for aliens and explaining how humans are dangerous and I commented on it that I have been arguing with stupid Christians who were saying "Aliens are demons" and someone replied and tried to start another argument but I debunked what they said and they never responded also I used the comments I made on both posts to update the religion and god discussion.

I seriously can't believe I had to debunk "aliens are demons"

Also talking about alien life, remember when I mentioned I am making a proof map well I've finished (probably the first part of) it:

The hashtags I used on my post of my proof map on my Instagram 64tge8st are hidden which isn't a surprise to me, it just shows that they are hiding the truth! Also remember how I said the FBI classed us Qanon followers as terrorists well it turned out that the FBI never said were terrorists which is great news and just shows again how the media lies and spreads false information!

Finally I am currently writing what will be on the Qanon page(and wiki) so the Qanon page should be up by the end of next week I hope, anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!

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