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What LC thinks and stuff 80

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been fun I've nearly finished the Chaos theory post on my wiki all I need to do is add one thing and then its done! I've also been more active on MeWe and posted a lot of pictures, I use my MeWe posts to write my blog so this may affect this weeks blog but I'm hoping it hasn't because I do still have a few things to talk about anyway lets talk about this amazing week!


I have really weird dreams sometimes such as one I had this week where I was dissecting my own body which was interesting LOL anyway recently I have been remembering a lot of my dreams and yes they are very weird sometimes.

My daily routine LOL:

Due to the viral infection I have been dealing with for the past 8 years I have a high chance of getting other infections and I normally get a lot of finger or toe infections which is really annoying because it really hurts when you have finger or toe infections anyway my body seriously doesn't make sense because on Sunday I cut one of my nails too much and it started bleeding so you would think it would have a higher chance of infection but apparently no the one I didn't cut too much got infected, I hate my body sometimes for reasons like this but luckily the infection was gone within three days since my medication for my viral infection is very strong.

I didn't even know zombie horses were a thing in minecraft and I found out this week and I had to kill it because I do not accept dead animals walking around I do not like the thought of that.

I'm minding my own business whilst on my phone and I get a weather notification from Google which I thought I had turned off since I don't really care about the weather and when I checked it Google was like "ITS GOING TO RAIN AT 11pm" I don't really care if its going to rain and I deffinetly don't care if its going to at 11pm because why would I want to know the weather at that time.

I came across a post on MeWe which said search Florida man and then my birthday so I did it and I died LOL this is funny as fuck:

I don't know what happened yesterday but when I tried turning on my phone it didn't turn on and it just kept vibrating so I holded the power button in to turn it off and I turned it on again and its ok now.

So as you know I watch a lot of anime and I normally watch anime on websites but now there may be a little problem because the websites I use get there videos from Kissanime sometimes and this week Kissanime went down due to copyright reasons and Kissanime may be gone for good now which annoys me but I do understand they were pirating content which is a big problem due to the animators not making enough money which is sad. I do sometimes use netflix to watch anime and I can also use amazon prime but the problem is they don't have all the anime I like and I don't want to pay like £50 on like 7 different streaming services because that's just a waist of my money and it takes me over the amount of money I'm suppose to spend a month and I'm not aloud to go over that amount which is already quite a lot anyway due to this I did sign up for a Funimation and Crunchyroll account but I can't really use the Funimation account since I have to pay to watch anime so I will probably only use Crunchyroll since you can watch anime for free on there.

Talking about Crunchyroll and watching anime, when I signed up on Crunchyroll I found an English dub of Sword art online Alicization so this week I started watching it and I love it a lot and its also been very interesting due to it bringing up a theory of consciousness I have been working on and it brings up a type of technology I have been trying to design which interacts with consciousness, yes I design technology it related to my irl job which I can't talk much about but its related to designing quantum technology anyway I will talk about the consciousness theory next.

All matter at the smallest levels vibrates and if the matter is arranged properly all the vibrations can sync up so that the proto-consciousness can become the consciousness we have. The reason this synchronicity happens in us and not in something like rocks is because we have bio-physical pathways that make the flow of information easier, information flows through resonance(Synchronicity). This means there are different levels of consciousness which are nested within each other and each level gets more complex and information flows up and down these levels so this means the energy, which forms these quantum waves/vibrations, has/is consciousness meaning everything is made up of consciousness energy meaning there is one consciousness which would be God. These quantum vibrations which form consciousness could be fluctuating light or fluctlights(Bio-photons) like in SAO. The universes structure looks like the structure of the brain meaning this could prove this theory also the brains structure is 11-dimensional meaning the structure of the universe could be 11-dimensional so this could prove the 11-dimensional spacetime, so everything could be thought of as a dream/thought of God. For AI to have a true consciousness it therefore has to be connected directly to the zero-point so its a fluctlight this means God is like an AI in a quantum computer. NO GOD IS NOT AN AI.

Random fact plants are like quantum computers:

Anyway that stuff is complex and is meant for my wiki and website not my blog which is why I don't go over my research much here on my blog also talking about my website I need to create a post on my website which will probably be the new picture I have been making:

Anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!


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