Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! So some interesting things happened this week but overall this week seemed a bit boring to me anyway one of these very interesting things is TikTok, one of the most cursed apps, is trying to sue the Trump Administration LOL its amazing but its obvious who would most likely win, Trump in my opinion, but if I'm wrong I will probably die of laughter also Fortnite apparently isn't on Google play store and apple store anymore so YAY FINALLY ANOTHER CURSED APP IS SOMEWHAT GONE! anyway lets get onto this week!
Remember a few months ago I printed off a picture of eggdog because I found out about eggdog well I came across sonic the eggdog and its fucking amazing LOL it was fucking great! one of the best combinations!
If you don't know I absolutely fucking love ASDF movies its fucking funny as fuck and this week I finally got an ASDF movie song on my daily mix on Spotify which was absolutely amazing the song was Beep Beep I'm a sheep but anyway its not as amazingly amazing as what I found out the next day, so remember 10thdim his real name is Rob Bryanton as you know we have been talking and follow each other well I posted a screenshot of the Beep Beep I'm a sheep song on my daily mix on my Instagram and 10thdim commented his son created the song so I searched his son and found out it was made by his son and I was amazed because I didn't even know this and now I do!
So apparently your not over the age of 18 if you watch cartoons and listen to music so I guess I'm not in my 20's since I watch cartoons, anime, play games and listen to music so YAY IM A TEENAGER AGAIN! I want to be a teenager for life LOL!
Recently I've become really addicted to a song called Promise I fucking love it I tried finding it on Spotify and I think I did but for some reason I can't play it but it is in my Spotify like list anyway I can still listen to it on youtube and if you want to you can:
I created a new picture of me in my angel form!:

I use tunnel bear VPN and I noticed recently that Moscow Russia isn't an option on there and I'm pretty sure it use to be but apparently it isn't anymore if it was on there.
Last week I got an offer to be on a podcast to promote my research but I declined due to personal reasons which basically involve my identity but my friend suggested an idea which can be seen in the second picture and they did respond but I haven't had the time to respond back yet but they did agree with the idea:

Last week I shared on my twitter a post about Tengri 137 and later that night I made a post on my Instagram 64tge8st about that post which was about 37 and 73 encoded in the bible so I reshared the post on twitter with the link to my Instagram post so If you want to check out my new tweet about it you can here.
Recently I saw a post from a Christian who said that the new age movement had infiltrated the Qanon movement and they mentioned the great awakening map and 5D_awakening_consciousness and they basically said because of this Christians thing Qanon is a psyop which is bs because the new age movement didn't infiltrate the Qanon movement but it seems like Christianity is infiltrating because there attaching religion and the new age movement to Qanon which should not be done at all. Christianity also says new age is satanic yet Christians basically worship an evil god who is actually Satan from what I can see so Christianity is the real psyop so I commented what I thought on this post and saw a comment by eldageenie saying Christianity is a psyop so I replied to that comment saying I agree and saying the bible is corrupted and the original stories aren't even in the bible and eldageenie followed me and we've had a little talk and eldageenie said this a few days later on there story which I agree with:

Anyway I sent this "new age movement had infiltrated the Qanon movement" post to 5D_awakening_consciousness and they replied and said this:

Because of this I wrote a discussion I wanted to write a few months ago on my wiki about "New age deception" and this goes into the problem with new age and the deception so if you want to check it out you can here also I'm creating a proof map as explained in that discussion anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!