Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Last week I spelled "Thinks" incorrectly LOL this is the second time I spelled a title on a post incorrectly anyway this week I have been quite busy with my research as I will talk about in a bit but first lets talk about this week!
Last week was Easter and I forgot to say happy Easter so this is a late happy Easter but happy Easter! Also last week I got Ferrero Rocher chocolates instead of an Easter egg but I did get an Easter egg over a month ago with my name on it.
Also if you remember I played a game called cells to singularity well I uninstalled it because it took ages to do and I just stopped playing it and talking about that I haven't played the piano game I have for half a month now anyway I installed two new games this week I installed a game called "Kawaii Evolution Clicker: Neko game" and a game called "Laser Overload" which is a very interesting and fun game which I suggest you play if you like puzzle games and the first game I mentioned if you like anime girls I suggest you play that one because you can unlock quite a few anime girls.
So this week apparently I got so bored that I randomly stuck a googly eye on my head LOL
A friend of mine this week reminded me of a logo that the BBC had during 1990 to 1997 which I hated as a kid because the music and logo scared me and I decided to watch it this week and I looked at the comments and apparently I'm not the only one who was scared of it which was interesting but luckily I'm no longer scared of it because I see nothing scary about it anymore because I'm an adult now but that music if you are a kid is scary.
Since I live in the UK and I'm originally from Russia I have only had Russian and British chocolate and this week my friend got me a Hersheys chocolate bar which is American chocolate and American chocolate tastes different from British chocolate but it is an interesting taste and I suggest you have it if you have never had it before.
Now my research and other stuff related to it! I have made a new Instagram account just for my research which you can view here and I have made quite a few new diagrams this week such as this one which is also my phones lock screen now:

Also talking about diagrams I have had to remove some diagrams from some places because they used pictures from someone who I did mention in the diagrams and the description of the diagrams but they wanted me to remove them so I did and I will nolonger be using them after today because I don't want to get into any trouble plus when I do use pictures I try to ask the person to see if i can use them anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!