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What LC thinks and stuff 56

Writer's picture: LCLC

Updated: May 10, 2023

Hello amazingly amazing children and the universe! So I believe there was quite a few things that happened this week I just updated this website since the Instagram api on the home page fucked up again and that was because I changed my Instagram password because one of my friends was hacked anyway lets move onto this week!

Also one more thing about Instagram is I hate the fake illuminati and freemason accounts on Instagram wanting to add me because I can tell if there a real freemason and the person yesterday claming to be a freemason I could tell wasn't a freemason because of their bio now lets move on.

So I didn't know that Kurzgesagt I think I spelled that right but it doesn't matter anyway I didn't know they had an Instagram so I followed them and I also followed them on twitter.

Last week on the 28th of February Freeman Dyson one of the best physicist unfortunately died may he rip, his ideas are amazing so i suggest you look into him if you like space technologies.

On Sunday me and a friend who helps me publish my research were looking for a PDF version of a book we already have called The mathematical connection between religion and science by Stephen M Philips but unfortunately we couldn't find one but he does have PDF's of his other books on his website but it would have been good if we had a PDF of the book we were looking for so we could link it to our wiki but anyway we have PDF's of his articles which contain his knowledge.

I was running out of ideas as to what I was going to post on my wiki but I believe I am finding more stuff to write about and today I found some amazing information about the tree of life which I will post after I have finished my new post about consciousness and quantum energy crystals which was delayed because I found out some amazing stuff about consciousness.

Also I forgot to say but last week also on Sunday whilst I was looking for the PDF my toaster set on fire because something fell down it whilst it was plugged in so my house was nearly on fire but me and my friends sorted it out so its all ok now but it did smell for a while.

I found out that someone created a wiki for MeWe so I created a page about me on it and because of that I updated my profile on my wiki and I updated the pinned blog post on this website and the pinned post on my MeWe profile anyway if you want to see my page here it is.

A little random thing to say is that I got bored on Wednesday after I made best moments of the month 12 so I played my piano game for about 12 mins and got 3318 points. Also talking about games i uninstalled plauge inc and the alien version of it and i installed a cute cat game which i am now playing.

Another thing is i found out why my paypal wasn't working and its because my account was limited because apparently there was suspicious activity on my bank account so i had to send a bank statement to paypal so hopefully my paypal will be fixed soon.

And another random thing to say is I have finished Noragami and i have started to watch High School DxD and I'm already loving it LOL. Also talking about anime if you know me you know my fav character from one of my fav animes heavens lost property(I haven't completed the manga yet but i hopefully will soon) is Nymph and yesterday I think it was from the warhammer 40K channel I follow on youtube I found out that a plastic model of Nymph was banned off of Amazon which is really sad to hear.

Now about 2 days ago it snowed in my home city in Russia I wish it would snow here in the UK anyway I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!


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