Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! So i forgot to mention some things last week well only 2 things so lets get into this blog!
So last week i forgot that it was one of my fav authors birthdays, it was HG wells birthday and i love his book the war of the worlds and if you don't know i am addicted to everything war of the worlds i just love it!
Another thing last week that happened which is also creepy is that i could tell the future LOL it happened quite a few times and it was too many times to be a coincidence but this is what i said on MeWe and on my discord server:
Like this is actually fucking creepy and I am actually telling the truth I am somehow able to like see the future because I was thinking about saying something and then a friend said it and this has happened quite a few times this week, are my powers coming back to my physical form
Now its time to move onto the new stuff so this week was annoying because my phone has 4G and it hasnt worked at all this week so i have had to use the wifi that belongs to my city which lets me send pictures and messages and everything else and i also used the wifi at my work place which doesnt let me send pictures and it doesnt let me send messages on discord because the wifi at my work blocks that because my work is a secret so i am hoping to get my 4G working again soon.
This week i downloaded Zepeto and started playing it, i have been wanting to play it for ages because i fount out about it months ago but i forgot about it until this week anyway I am love it!
Also this week i got my hair cut because it was getting too long and it was getting in my mouth whilst eating which is annoying and i get it cut every 6 months because my hair grows very fast but its been 7 months since i had it cut and the reason as to why its been an extra month is because me and my friends kept forgetting LOL but this week i eventually got it cut.
Ok i think i have mentioned this before but you know how i have a surface pro 3 laptop well it doesnt have a keyboard because its a tablet/laptop and it has to have a bluetooth keyboard and for like a year now(I don't know how long it has been) it hasnt needed to be charged but this week it finally needed charging again LOL but i think it is doing it again where it doesnt need charging for ages which is nice.
I thank you all for reading this blog i love you all bye!