Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been amazing as usual so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I'll just leave this here:
It's obvious that we don't control the media:
This is literally more proof of what I've been saying:
Random and funny stuff of the week:
I said 6969 has "interestingly... appeared twice" because last Friday I posted my 6969th post and then last Saturday I saw this meme art piece, containing 6969, of "Frieren" which is the anime I started rewatching that day because I had been planning to rewatch it for a few months and it was added to Netflix that day. Is this a coincidence? Personally I don't think so which is why I researched the number.
On Monday Spotify was down... So I was like "I WANT TO FUCKING LISTEN TO MUSIC"!
It took me 30 minutes to find the PDF about my computer because when I searched the computer model, which my computer said it is, I thought it didn't come up with it but it turns out the first PDF was the one about my computer but for some reason it has a different name for it. Anyway it says I can have a maximum of 16GB for ram so I'll be buying two sticks of 8GB ram but first I need to decide which ram I want, I think I might go for the one which has nearly 100k reviews on Amazon but I don't know yet.
This is literally me, LOL!
I noticed that Instagram sometimes removes the censor sticker from my stories, they just disappear, which is weird but interestingly Instagram doesn't take down the story so are the stickers just going invisible? Instagram is weird.
"Your mom is built like a test tube", I don't know what to say, LOL!
Tuesday was pancake day so I had a nice thick chocolate pancake and this is what my friend and fiance said(, LOL!):
My friend: Obviously you made a chocolate pancake.
My fiance: Yes because she likes her pancakes like her man.
Anyway here is the picture of the chocolate pancake also if your wondering how I made it, it's made how they are normally made but I added the Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate powder which I posted about before and said doesn't taste like salted caramel plus I obviously had to add sugar since it wasn't that sweet at all(!):
On Wednesday I forgot to create the NSFW story warning for my Instagram plus I also forgot to turn off my phone before I went to bed on Tuesday night, this baby really is giving me baby brain, LOL!
I have completely lost track of time, I don't remember what day it is unless I look at my phone. This always happens when I'm off for more than a week.
I'm a delicious milf, LOL!
Apparently the baby can have hiccups now and she first had them on Thursday night which felt weird and was annoying because she started having them just before I went to bed.
Yes I can play piano with my tongue because I am good at using it(, LOL!):
YouTube video: "She's playing piano with her tongue right there"
My (female) friend to me: I bet you can do that, your really good at using your tongue!
Me: Yes I can!
My fiance: Yes she is good at using her tongue, I can confirm!
My (female) friend: I can confirm as well!
My computer tried dividing by 0, luckily it didn't turn into a black hole, LOL! Anyway I've seen this happen to people before but I think this is the first time it's happened to me.
Since I use a smart TV as my computer monitor I use my smart TV to watch YouTube whilst my computer is turning on which doesn't take too long. But after watching a 14 minute video yesterday morning I checked my computer to see if it was on but it was still turning on so I thought there was something wrong with it but it turned out it was updating which doesn't really make sense because my computer normally updates on Wednesdays, from what I noticed, but I guess there was a random update yesterday.
My sister said "because you can't move much, I can now do this" and she went and got my snake plush and kicked it across the room... How rude, the poor snake, LOL!
You can now add your interests to threads!
I posted my 7000th post on MeWe!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
The Mario movie is on Netflix now so I watched it on Sunday!
I have finished rewatching "Frieren: Beyond Journey's End" and I think I'm done watching anime on Netflix for a while.
So last night I started rewatching "Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle" which I can now watch on Crunchyroll!
Some research on 6969 since interestingly it appeared twice for me now:
69(:)69=23(:)23×3=3×11(:)11=33(:)33=9(:)33=573=3×191, 311=3:11=191=23(:)33(base 4)=11(:)33, 311×3=933.
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!