Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! I'm finally off for maternity leave! Time to stay home for a very long time! Also walking around is very hard now and I'm pretty sure it's going to get hard so I have decided to give birth at home! Also have a picture of my bump!
Anyway this week was amazing so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I'll just leave this here:
Another thing I'll just leave here:
And another thing I'll just leave here:
Random and funny stuff of the week:
When I had a shower on Sunday I noticed the shower gel I used said on the back "For external use only", that warning is there because of people like me, LOL!
I saw a 3rd MyHeritage sponsored video which came out 9 days ago and the video is a historical (more) political video so I would say that's more risky but I haven't checked the comments this time, just in case. And as a reminder, MyHeritage is an Israeli company which is why I say this.
This is literally my friends with my ass(, LOL!):
My friends talking about me(, LOL!):
Friend 1: She is built like a porn star.
Friend 2: That explains why she is pregnant.
Makes sense, LOL!
The baby is kicking during the night whilst I am trying to sleep and she has been doing this more often recently also my bladder is officially weakened now which I found out because I sneezed, LOL!
My mom took the family out to a restaurant again and the last time this happened I found out I am pregnant the week after so my fiance said "make sure the chocolate and fudge brownie doesn't get you pregnant again" and I can't stop laughing, LOL!
This was my 6930th post on MeWe also yes I create the post in the screenshot to create the screenshot and I deleted the post so this could be the 6930th, LOL! 693 is a very important number (which repeatedly appears) in my research because 11:33=693.
I officially have baby brain, the baby is making me dumb, I'm forgetting stuff!
I watched a 2 hour 30 minute video explaining a lot of terrorist groups, yes that's the research I do also it should show you how weird my YouTube is because the videos I watch are either science (mainly physics/computing), history (mainly Jewish history, especially stuff regarding Nazis, and related topics), some anime stuff and some reaction videos, LOL!
I'm starting to understand:
On Friday I finished my final lab report before lunch. I have no idea when my next one will be since it will be way after I've had my baby. Anyway since I finished the lab report I didn't have much to do after lunch so I got to leave work early on my last day there!
My sister said that our mom said I am a treasure so she was planning on burying me when I was born, LOL!
My gender? Infinitely hexagonal!
Britain's Got Talent(BGT) is back on TV and KSI is one of the judges this year which is going to make the show more interesting. Luckily it's on earlier at night than usual but i don't know if I'll watch it at night, I might watch it on Sundays instead but I will obviously be watching the live shows live like I always do.
Something from a YouTube video that sounds like something I would say(, LOL!): "I'm going to do a book, it gave my vagina paper cuts, but still, good orgasm".
I can confirm, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished watching "Lost Song" which was amazing and I already knew, and therefore liked, a few of the songs from the anime but the song at the end of episode 7, I honestly don't know what to think about it anymore because now I know it has quite a dark meaning. Also I didn't expect the massive plot twist which was episode 8 which pretty much revealed the world is in a time loop which interestingly is a concept in religions/the occult/new age and talking about concepts from new age, the anime is pretty much based around frequencies manipulating reality so the anime is based on some interesting concepts.
Anyway I then watched "Gokudols" which was funny as fuck, I wish they made more of it!
I then watched "Gokushufudou" which has slightly shorter episodes so I watched it all in two night and it was amazing!
And now I am watching "Jigokuraku"!
I forgot to mention this in my previous research about 1225:
1226=1225+1=365+860+1=2×613, 613=6:13=18:13=1093, 1093rd triangle number×2=365th star number, 860=11(.)55(base 9)=11:33=1093.
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!