Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been amazing as usual, other than the next thing I'm going to talk about, so lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
I found out my ex believes pedo Hamases propaganda AKA antisemitic propaganda, it's antisemitic because Hamas has literally stated there goal is to commit genocide against Jews, and what makes it funny is he said "don't hate Jews" and ironically in 2021, when we were dating, he followed and shared Jewish content exposing this exact antisemitic propaganda. This only shows he only cared about Jews when he was dating one, me, so he is an even worse person now than when he was when he abandoned me (and I don't know if I stated this before so if I haven't I'm exposing him) for an underage girl so I wish I didn't (apparently) "save" him from doing what his daddy Hitler did. Honestly this makes me happier that I broke up with him now.
Random and funny stuff of the week:
I've been waking up very hungry recently so I guess the baby is stealing all the resources I consume at night, LOL! Also I seriously did not expect to go up two cup sizes during pregnancy! This was the second time I had to get new bras also my shoulders are slightly hurting but I don't know if that's because my tits are getting bigger... Anyway at least in a few weeks I won't need to wear bras because I'll be leaving work for maternity leave as I've repeatedly said recently.
Some updates regarding Instagram: Again they took down a story and reposted it and unfortunately, even though I accept a lot of follow requests, my account is pretty much still dead also as predicted I have lost some followers, out of the new followers, but surprisingly not many so I'm still just above 500 followers as I am writing this but I doubt it will stay above 500.
That explains why I'm extremely curvy, LOL!
Ah yes I got my ass licked by a sponge(, LOL!):
YouTube video: *Shows that video of plankton's ass getting licked*
My friend to me: I didn't know you got your ass licked by a sponge!
I ate crisps that were so salty that my face twitched.
As I said, I only post a few of the random things that happened daily, I don't post everything.
My friend brought a soap that smells like a hospital so now my hands smell like a hospital.
It's hard to explain this but I saw a cartoon where two pregnant women were "fighting" and it's in quotation marks because it was the two babies fighting each other by kicking in the womb to form bumps on the pregnancy bump to kick the other pregnancy bump. I hope that makes sense and I hope my baby can do that to help me fight people, LOL!
This is what me and my fiance have looked like recently because this is pretty much what I exactly look like because I'm pregnant, LOL! (Obviously this isn't my art, the original creator is linked in the image itself.)
I've pretty much decided to stop exercising, I've been exercising less and less recently, because it's hard just to walk so I haven't been walking much recently anyway I've got a hospital appointment next week about this so I'll obviously post an update next week.
"This video is turning into alphabet soup", same, I'm turning into Hebrew alphabet soup!
On Wednesday morning I watched the video at the bottom and coincidentally Veritasiums new video (at the top), which he uploaded that night, was about the exact same topic! Both videos were great so I suggest you watch them both!
Ah yes my thighs are that big(, LOL!):
My brother: Family guy? More like family thighs!
My sister pointing at my thighs: Those aren't family thighs, those are family sized thighs.
YouTube really gave me a baby milk formula ad. No thank you, I would rather feed my baby naturally when there born.
My anime history:
People have found a way to mine Bitcoin in Minecraft, because obviously they have, so I might end up mining Bitcoin in Minecraft even though I don't need to, LOL!
Recently I've seen two YouTube videos which have been sponsored by MyHeritage which is surprising because I haven't seen a genealogy company sponsor a video for ages but what surprises me more is the fact these videos aren't getting attacked because MyHeritage is an Israeli company.
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished rewatching "Komi Can't Communicate" and I still love the scene where "Ren Yamai" runs around the school with "Komis" tights on her head also I loved how she said "Lick me, suck me and eat me, after that I'll finally be inside you" to "Komi" as well because that's exactly what I would say, LOL!
Anyway I am now rewatching "Ouran High School Host Club" which is finally available on Netflix UK, it was available on Netflix in other countries so it's nice it's finally available here!
An expansion upon my last few weeks research:
1(:)39=13:39=819=1²+2²+3³+...13²=13th square based pyramid(3D)=13th triangle number(2D)(=91)=(6th triangle number×3(=21×3))+7th triangle number(=28), 1/819=0.001221, 1/918=0.001089, 918=396(base 16), (1/819)+(1/918)=0.00231, 819+918=1737=3311(base 8), (77=7×11=11th centered heptagonal(7) number(=1+(385=10th triangle number×7))=)386(polygon×3)=1158(polygon×3)=3474(=77×3×3=77×9(=77th nonagonal(9) number)=693=11(:)33)=1737×2, 1737=17:37=5:37=337, 3474=57:54=9:54(=594)=21:54=1314=438×3, 1158=19:18=7:18=438.
This weeks blog is the 306th weekly blog and it is the 333rd blog overall, two very interesting numbers, anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!