Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been amazing as usual so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
"TikTok has a lot of information", yes a lot of MISinformation especially when regarding Israel because TikTok is pushing the "free Palestine" bs so a lot of people now believe it and what makes this more ironic is these same people who are also complaining about it being banned are now saying America isn't free even though TikTok was pretty much trying to control what they think showing the app isn't giving you freedom. Also as I said before, these people are complaining about the ban and there freedoms yet they won't boycott TikTok which is owned by China, a country committing a real genocide, instead they want to boycott Israel that had a genocidal massacre committed against it and the people who committed the genocidal massacre are deflecting the blame of genocide onto Israel and they believe the propaganda, on TikTok, that deflects the blame of genocide. Anyway I'm just going to laugh at the fact that these people are crying over a genocidal Chinese app. Nevermind...
Except Zionism definitely didn't lose:
This pretty much says everything I wanted to say:
I'll just leave this here:
Random and funny stuff of the week:
This is literally me, an angelic alien:
I don't know if MeWe was just dead on Sunday night or hiding posts again because it didn't seem like there was many posts during the night.
Oh yes, I haven't mentioned this yet but sex really does feel better when your pregnant, I should stay pregnant permanently!
Nevermind, apparently TikTok is back, for now.
When I was in bed I was nearly asleep but I woke myself back up because my mouth had a little gap in it and when I breathe it caused me to make a whistling sound so I basically woke myself up by whistling, LOL!
Honey roasted Scottish salmon is fucking amazing!
Me when I need to ride a girl's face:
Yes it's my job:
My friend: I'm going to screw your limousine driver.
Me: Your going to fuck me friend? It's my job to fuck her!
"Have you ever had to go to the toilet 100 times a day", yes and it's called being pregnant.
I very rarely, if ever, have Starbucks because I personally don't like coffee much but if I do go then I get non-coffee drinks anyway they sell there products in shops so my friend sometimes buys them and this time they brought the salted caramel hot chocolate. I tried it and it's nice but it didn't taste like salted caramel which was disappointing.
I'm pretty sure I had a dream in a dream again, this is the second time this has happened, or at least it's the second time I remember. The first one I remember was a few years ago.
MrBeast really did the trolley problem also yes I've been wanting MrBeasts games, if I haven't mentioned already.
I've only got one strawberry flavored green tea tea-bag left! I need more of the polish tea! I need to buy more!
So as usual Instagram took down one of my stories, did they take down the story of multiple nude women? No, they took down a story which had no nudity but they did restore it, as usual, but by the looks of it the original poster took it down. So as usual Instagram contradicted itself.
She's meditating:
I sneezed so hard that it felt like I got face fucked again, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished rewatching "Tanaka-kun is Always Listless"!
I then watched "DanDaDan", on Netflix, which I never thought I would watch but after seeing a meme of it, seeing it's genre list on MAL and reading it's description, it is definitely the type of anime I would watch because my personal beliefs are spiritual/mysticism/occultism/new age/scientific/aliens and the anime seems to be somewhat based on new age stuff based on the first episode also talking about that episode, it was fucking amazing, LOL! Also one thing I hate is how in anime the occult is related to aliens when technically it's more spiritual/mysticism/religious concepts but some occult groups do including aliens in there beliefs so there more like new age groups really. Anyway I binge watched it because it was amazing, I seriously can't wait for season 2 in July especially because, and this is the only thing I hated about the anime, the ending was a cliffhanger. Also I decided that I will spend my time watching the anime on Netflix but it appears there isn't much that I actually want to watch on there so I won't be on Netflix for as long as I thought I would be but I might rewatch some anime on there as well.
I also binge watched "Delicious in Dungeon" because it was amazing but I hate how we have to wait for season 2 which doesn't have a release date yet.
Anyway I am now watching "My Happy Marriage" which has been on my Netflix list for ages but I've been contemplating about watching it because I don't know how much I'll like it based on the description.
I didn't expect this to happen but I found out that quite a few of the numbers I've previously researched are connected to each other so there are more connections between all these numbers (which are all connected to 1133, the number I keep seeing everywhere, and the gematria of my name, I'm certain that none of this is a coincidence now):
169(hexagon which contains the 343 cube(7th cube(7³)))=2:49=249=4:09=16:09=969=17th tetrahedral number((3D)=17th triangle number(2D)=153=9×17)=17th nonagonal(9) number, 17th centered nonagonal number=1225=35²=49th triangular number=25th hexagonal number=18th centered octagonal number=35th triangle number+34th triangle number=630(=10(:)30 tetractys=343+344+343 which is therefore formed out of the 343 cube)+595, 253(base 16)=595=12th centered nonagonal number=1+(11th triangle number×9)=1+594, 594(=306(base 14))(=369(base 13)((base 11)=438=306(base 12))|963(base 11)=1158=19:18=7:18=438), 969=801(base 11)(base 15)=1801(=25th centered hexagonal number)|1081(=439(base 16))=46th triangular number=16th centered nonagonal number=1+(15th triangle number×9=1080(=13310(base 5))=438(base 16)), 1225|(181=3:01=87:01=)5221=30th star number=(30th hexagonal number(=26(:)11((=7×373)=1571=623(base 16))))+(6×(29th triangle number))=46th heptagonal number, 26:11=2:11=1(:)31=13(:)31(base 6)=343=23(:)33(base 5)=11(:)33=10(:)30+1(:)03=630+63, (√)11(:)33(=23(:)33(0(base 6→)))=3(:)3(.)6((:)6(0))=15:36=936=18th octagonal number, 3:36:6(0)=3:37=937=13th star number=(12th triangle number×6=468=396(base 11))+(13th centered hexagonal number=469=397(base 11)), 11:33=693|396.
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!