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What LC thinks and stuff 303

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! THE BABY FUCKING KICKED ME ON TUESDAY!!! IT WAS THE FIRST FUCKING KICK!!! AND IT FELT FUCKING WEIRD! Anyway now that I've got that out of the way, this week was amazing so lets get into it, LOL!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Fuck the UN:

This is truly disappointing but not a surprise:

I'll just leave this here:

Random and funny stuff of the week:

Being in hot water really is orgasmic, as I've said before, especially when it's freezing outside! Also talking about that it didn't snow last week like they said it would but it was freezing outside in the morning, it was -5°C to -6°C.

I never thought I would hear anyone say this, and I'm not giving context, but my brother literally said "my grandad is not a steam train", LOL!

This is literally me:

I noticed that the "FUKKIRETA" song, that I have saved on my nostalgia playlist on Spotify, is no longer available! Unfortunate, I loved that song, I hope there is another version of it available on Spotify so I can add it when I go back to listening to the playlist.

I said "this soap looks and feels like cum" and my friend said "obviously you would say that", LOL!

I had some new interesting crisps! The first one was pigs in blankets and it actually tastes like pigs in blankets and the second one, which I'm assuming is tomato flavored(?), actually tasted like tomatoes!

Instagram keeps taking down my stories and it's getting annoying.

So I don't know how I only just came across this but there is abridged dubbed hentai on PornHub, LOL! I'm not going to lie but it was surprisingly really good and now I'm hoping there is more abridged dubbed hentai, LOL!

This is literally me:

I want my gravestone to be a giant butt plug with a star of David on it, LOL!

Apparently it's around this time during pregnancy that the baby can start to hear! It's a good thing she won't remember anything she will hear, LOL!

I found my new keyboard!

My computer tried updating on Thursday but it failed which was something that was unexpected and personally it's something that I've always worried about happening but luckily my computer was fine but I had to use "Windows Update troubleshooting" to fix it so when I turned on my computer on Friday it finally updated so it's all up to date. I say it's all up to date but it says I can update to a newer version of Windows 11 but I don't intend to just yet also I honestly thought it would have updated to the newer version by itself but I guess not and I guess it isn't important enough to update to it yet.

All I ate on Friday was sweet potatoes and chicken soup, two of the best things! Also don't worry I had enough to eat especially because sweet potatoes are addictive because of how amazing they are!

Both are accurate statements, especially the first one at the moment:

Nintendo finally revealed the Switch 2 after all the leaks, LOL!

I saw a Doritos ad and apparently there making square Doritos now(?) and all I have to say in response is, no, just no, fuck squares!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished rewatching "Centaur no Nayami"!

  • I then watched "Shimoseka", which I never thought I would watch but it does seem like the type of anime I would watch which would only make sense if you know me, and it was insane but a really fucking amazing anime, LOL!

  • Anyway I am now rewatching "Tanaka-kun is Always Listless"!

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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