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What LC thinks and stuff 301(Christmas and New Year!)

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Happy new year! I don't have much to say for my summary of 2024 but 2024, other than the usual antisemitism, was way more fucking amazing then the previous 3 years especially because I found out I can get and I am finally pregnant so this year I am going to have my first child. In addition me and my fiance spent 2024 planning our wedding which will also be happening this year so this year is going to be very busy and amazingly amazing so I can't wait for it! Anyway I hope everyone, except for any antisemites, also have an amazing year also I hope you all had an amazing Christmas PLUS happy Hanukkah! Yes, not only was it Christmas it was also the first day of Hanukkah, so my "new (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me(!)" is themed after both holidays, also this is a reminder but yes I am Jewish and I celebrate Christmas but I celebrate it for a completely different reason anyway for my Christmas presents, as usual, I got mostly a lot of chocolate, mainly Reese's because it's my favorite, but I won't be posting pictures of them like the previous times but I did include the Terry's chocolate mint because I've never had it before. As for the rest of my presents, I got a new desk chair, which is the exact same desk chair as my previous one which I think I've posted a picture of before, I got a flower of life rug, a crystal ball lamp which has a 3D Metatrons cube within it, a crystal pyramid and 24 cans of KA black grape because I can't drink alcohol this year since I'm pregnant!

That was a long opening to the blog anyway lets get into the last week (and a half) of the year!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

It's almost as if JVP aren't actually Jewish.

They were mad at Israel for banning it but seem to be silent about Arab countries banning it...

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I've mentioned this before but I sit down during my longer Sunday showers because I love sitting in the water for ages but I get "pins and needles"(Paresthesia) in my legs. Unfortunately I don't think I can do it anymore because recently I've been getting pins and needles easily from doing it because I'm pregnant. Very unfortunate so I'll probably have baths now.

My mom asked "is it normal for me, a person who is 4X years old, to walk to work with a lollipop in her mouth" and I assume it probably is, LOL! (Also I'm not revealing her age but she is in her late 40's and yes she had me when she was underage, I'm saying that for the people who know I've been saying I'm over the age of 20 for years now because I don't reveal my age.)

I saw an ad for Norton VPN and they talked about AI in the ad but before they even mentioned "AI", I felt like it was going to be something about AI because in the ad there was a rhinoceros riding a skateboard which made me think the ad was made using AI, LOL!

It isn't, LOL!

Instagram took down two of my NSFW art stories, but restored them as usual because there wasn't nudity or sexual activity, so I was going to say I need to censor them more again but one of the two stories was literally censored. I think Instagram has literally become worse because I've had multiple story taken downs over the past month which was never the case before because I very rarely had any taken down. Instagram really is stupid.

I sneezed whilst taking a screenshot and accidentally turned my phone off, LOL!

This is literally me but...

So "Doctor Who" gave an origin of the northern star in there Christmas episode, LOL! I only watched the episode because I thought "why not" and because I was going to watch the new "Wallace and Gromit" movie which was actually amazing also the penguin returned in the movie!

I'm pretty sure the day after Christmas is one of the most boring days in the year because literally nothing happened.

Two of my favorite things, maths and anime!

I've said this too many times now so this is the final time especially since I think Christmas proved it but I can officially confirm my Instagram accounts are dead but honestly it doesn't matter since I won't be using them for much longer.

I had a weird dream where I was a teenager again and I had just got home from school and I stripped and then covered myself in glue, LOL!

This is so wrong but I love it, LOL! Also I've seen people turn the c² in E=mc² into Pythagoras theorem before and even I've thought about it before also I'm pretty sure I've seen memes of it.

On Sunday I was very, and I mean very to the point where "very" is an understatement, sleepy. Also something that is somewhat related, my fiance got some new bed sheets which we have now put on the bed and they feel amazing!

Somehow I've only drank 13 cans of my KA, I honestly thought I would have drank more by now. I've still got 11 cans though so there is a possibility they will be gone in two days now that I've said this, LOL!

"Space dust" sounds like a type of drug and it would be one I would do, LOL!

I want to dress up as a snowflake now!

One thing that is annoying about being off from work is, and I think I've mentioned this before, I don't know what day it is most of the time. I have to keep checking.

I had tuna and chilli beans on potato and it was amazing! Unfortunately we didn't have any cheese because my friend ordered the food shopping online and apparently the shop didn't have any cheese since we didn't get any. It's extremely disappointing but the potato was still nice without cheese.

Google photos keeps giving me this picture in "look back in time" and I have no idea why, it is still one of my favorite memes plus it is literally me(, LOL!):

Apparently MeWe is hiding posts now(?) which I found out because I saw that I missed some posts in my feed.

My brother said he is going to wear a tea bag as a kippah. That just shows you how British and Jewish we are, LOL!

I found these pictures, which are nearly 7 years old, about a month and a half ago and I thought this may be the last time you ever get to see my ass so I'll post them as a new years(/late Christmas) present for you all. I find it funny looking at all my old pictures because from 2012 to 2015 I became chubby and overweight but then from 2015 to 2020 I lost a lot of weight because I started exercising (again) and then from 2020 until now I gained weight again so I'm thicker again but I can't lose the weight because it won't go away even though I still exercise. What's funny about it is I am and am not technically overweight because when I check my BMI I am "overweight" by 0.1(, LOL! Also I haven't checked it recently because remember I am pregnant.) so I guess it is just my body shape now and talking about that because of this I look slightly chubby but also slightly muscular at the same time, LOL! (I'm pretty sure my sister was the one who said that.)

 Also if you wondering how I found them, I was looking for a video I downloaded years ago and if you want to know what the video was, it was just the 5th Japanese opening of "Yu Gi Oh Zexal". Anyway I'm not going to lie but these pictures remind me of "NieR:Automata" for some reason(, LOL!) and talking about that...

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • On Christmas day I finally watched "Spy x Family Code: White" which came out exactly a year ago this week and which I wanted to watch in August before I went on holiday but the dub wasn't available anyway as expected it was amazing and it was funny as fuck seeing Anya needing to go to the toilet, LOL! Also talking about "Spy x Family", the second season is coming to Netflix, here in the UK, soon and it appears Netflix is adding a lot of new anime or new seasons for anime soon. Plus they have added a lot of new anime recently including one I actually watched very recently AND "Dandadan", which I am planning on watching soon, is actually on Netflix! I should really watch the anime on Netflix because I don't really use Netflix to watch anime too often.

  • Yesterday night I rewatch my favorite movie "WALL-E" because, just like rewatching "Carole & Tuesday" (which is what I've been rewatching if your wondering) at the end of the year, it has also become a rewatch at the end of the year!

  • The first anime I'm planning on watching this year is "NieR:Automata Ver1.1 a Part 2"!


My research into 301, 181 and 1011, and there connections, which I said I would release for this blog(!):

623=10:23=((10(:)11(base 11→)=)1343(base 9←)=)22:23, 13th centered nonagonal number=19th hexagonal number=37th triangle number=703(base 12)=(337×3=)10(:)11=22:11=13(:)31=10(:)30(=630)+3(:)01(=181(.5×2=363=11×33=11(:)33=1030+103=(103(|301))×11))=811=1101(base 9)|10(:)11(base 9)=739(=1343(base 8))=12(:)19(=631(base 14)=1+630=1+(210×3)=1+(20th triangle number×3))=29th centered triangular number=1+(406×3)=1+(28(=7th triangle number)th triangle number×3), 253(base 13)=406(=210(base 14))=28th triangle number=10th centered nonagonal number(=1+(9th triangle number×9)), 28=19(=00:19=12:19) as hexagonal yod, 3[.]01[%]=11[days]=1011(base 2).

This blog is longer than my usual since I did make it a week and a half long and it is going to be the same for next weeks blog and talking about next week, this time next week I am having my ultrasound to find out the gender of my baby, YAY! Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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