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What LC thinks and stuff 299

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual plus Thursday was officially 1000 days since me and my fiance got together! YAY!

Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

I'm not really surprised:

Again fuck Ireland!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

On Sunday night I was eating a bag of shredded lettuce in the middle of the night.

I remembered two jokes, one of them isn't mine but the element one is (at least I think I'm the first one to think of it because I don't think I've heard anyone make it) so I thought about combining them so here is a scientific Santa joke:

I am one of Santa's Holmium Einsteinium!

I don't know if I should be scared of AI, because of what some people do with AI, or if I shouldn't be scared of AI because of this which had me laughing for an hour(, LOL!):

Never thought I'd see an (AI) goddess birth a meme universe.

Yes he means it like that(, LOL!):

YouTube video: "My wife is a genius", yes a wet genius.
My fiance: Yes and my fiancee is a genius who is always very wet!

This is literally me!

I noticed that a few strands of my hair are way shorter than the rest of my hair and I have no idea why. I feel like someone has stolen some of my hair now...

My intestines have already been messed up once in my life, 12 years ago, so I'm hoping they don't get messed up again because my baby is compressing them. (Also this is a joke, they won't get fucked up again and they have been healed for a long time now.)

These sounded interesting and they actually taste amazing but personally it isn't something I would eat again because I don't really like blueberry flavors much.

Instagram was down on Wednesday night...

Opera GX has updated and now it looks (slightly) different... I love how the majority of it looks but I don't like the sidebar because personally I prefer the old one plus they have changed the "Spotify now playing" design which I don't know if I like or don't because I'm use to the old one. Anyway apparently you can customize the appearance more(?) but I don't know since I didn't read what it said but if it's true then that's good.

I find bugs/insects really interesting sometimes because they make me laugh for example I saw a moth spinning around in a circle as it was flying and it was also going downwards at the same time, LOL!

This is literally me and my fiance, LOL!

I noticed my previous post on MeWe was my 6660th post! (this sentence was my 6661st post.)

I would like both now, please(, LOL!):

YouTube video: Mountain dews slogan was "Mountain dew will tickle your insides".
Me: I want mountain dew now!
My fiance: I'll MOUNTain deez nuts in your mouth!

On Tuesday I noticed I had a small bruise on my lower index finger, I don't know how I got it but I probably accidentally hit it on something, anyway it has completely disappeared now which is weird because it seemed too fast for it to heal.

I watched someone reacting to "Horrible Histories" and ended up watching clips of it and now I really want to watch it again, I haven't actually watched it for years. Also talking about clips, I saw some Nazi ones and I'm surprised they even touched the Nazis because that means they would have to dress up in Nazi uniforms and they actually did, LOL! I think these are from the newer seasons because I don't remember them talking about the Nazis back when I was watching it 10 years ago.

I ate two boxes of Tic Tacs, now he has a mint sausage, LOL!

My fiance said "My fiancee is chubby and sexy", yes I am, LOL! He then added "Shes extra chubby now because of me" and he's not wrong, LOL!

There is a children's food here in the UK which is small packs of cubes of cheese which are called "Cathedral City nibbles" and they put weird, random but interesting facts on the back of the packaging. So my brother, when he eats them, likes texting these facts to me so I randomly got this text last night(, LOL!):

I now know how to use a chess board as a calculator because I watched a video of someone using one as a calculator. Really it's just doing maths through binary on a chess board.

I saw a YouTube ad where water was coming out of the plug sockets. I don't know what the ad was about because I skipped it but I don't think water is supposed to come out of the plug sockets.

Same, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished watching "A Galaxy Next Door" which was amazing, I really hope they make another season!

  • I then watched "The Helpful Fox Senko-san" which was amazing!

  • And now I am rewatch "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" which I think I have pretty much only watched once because I watched the first season in 2017/18 and when the second season came out I didn't rewatch season one so this will be my first rewatch of the entire anime also I don't think I've watched the OVAs so I have extra content to watch!

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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