Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Today is the first day of December! Anyway this week was amazing as usual so lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
More proof:
Make your fucking mind up:
I can't believe I have to say this:
Random and funny stuff of the week:
On Monday I woke up and my tits are starting to leak so here comes the milk, technically colostrum! I checked online and apparently I can collect and freeze my breast milk for 6 to 12 months so I might start collecting it because 1) I'm not giving my baby the baby formula milk and 2) so I don't have to breastfeed all the time but I'll continue to collect milk every day after giving birth.
On Sunday night I ate half a block of cheese, don't ask me why I just do sometimes, (LOL!) and as usual it didn't give me a nightmare but I did actually have a dream this time and it was of a friend that I haven't seen since secondary school and honestly I don't know why it was of that friend because we didn't talk much plus I didn't really like them too much.
YouTube is giving me pregnancy test ads again and apparently there on a deal now(?) but I don't know since I skipped the ad. I wouldn't be surprised if there on a deal because a lot of people are born around mid to late summer so a lot of people are fucking around December, LOL!
Last time I checked that isn't cartoon network UK and hentai and porn didn't air on cartoon network, LOL!
Anyway talking about cartoon network I haven't watched it much at all since 2018 but... (I'm pretty sure) they are airing the exact same ads (for old toys/games) from 14 years ago so those children in the ads are adults now which just seems weird to think about.
There not always chocolate but:
American friend: What do you call a biscuit?
Me: The chocolate thing you put in your mouth.
How do you know I'm British? I eat crumpets as a snack.
I don't like muffins too much but these aero chocolate mint muffins are fucking amazing!
I think it's finally time to start listening to Christmas songs so I've been listening to them on Spotify. Also this is your reminder, yes I'm Jewish (ethnically) but I don't follow the religion plus I celebrate Christmas for an entirely different reason. Also talking about Jews and Christmas songs, a lot of Christmas songs, mainly the ones that are based around the season (winter) and weather (snow) and aren't focused on Jesus, were written by Jews interestingly. The reason for this is because Jews were only allowed certain jobs so we were forced into them all because of antisemitism and because of this a lot of people now think Jews control everything causing an increase in antisemitism ironically.
My brain had a conflict on Thursday, I was sleepy but I didn't want to sleep. I was more tired than usual and I don't know why, I'm thinking it was because the room was nice and warm because I had the heater on since it's cold outside but honestly I don't know.
I don't know why but I randomly remembered the time that I woke up in the middle of the night, got out of bed and got my school uniform on and then went back to bed. Even I think that's weird and that's coming from me, someone who is extremely weird, LOL! I was a really weird child.
Literally me, LOL!
I have no idea why but on Thursday night I had a dream about Vlad the Impaler, yes the person who Dracula is based on. It was a weird dream but at least he didn't Impale me, LOL!
Well since I can't drink my favorite vodka for Christmas and New years, I am getting 24 cans of black grape KA for Christmas, just like I did for my birthday, LOL!
Us pear shapes are best!
I think I say "LOL" too much so I should stop, but I probably won't.
I haven't used Twitter for a while and won't be using it ever again, as I've said before, but I just downloaded all my Twitter data also it appears there is still a bot problem so I removed those accounts but knowing how twitter is they will be back again.
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
There is a new season of "Totally spies" airing on cartoon network so I decided to watch one episode but I don't think it is as good as the original or at least the episode I watched wasn't. Also...
I have finished watching "Bokuyaba" which was fucking amazing and honestly based on the description of the first season I thought it was going to be very questionable and weird but it ended up being really good but some of the things the male characters said were questionable, LOL! Also I honestly think that comedy, romance and slice of life anime are now my favorite genre, my favorite genre use to be sci-fi but I don't think it is anymore.
Anyway I then watched "Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun" which was amazing!
And yesterday night I started watching "Dosanko Gal wa Namara Menkoi"!
I also watched the new episode of "Helluva boss" and really didn't expect what happened but as usual it, and the new song in the episode, was amazing!
This is the research I did this week but I didn't know if to post it because its my more complicated stuff which I don't post on my personal accounts often, if at all, so I've had to remove some stuff but add some stuff as well also this is a deeper look into 27 which I decided to do because of the research two weeks ago anyway here it is:
7th triangle number=(Base)28(=27=7(:00) loops)=19(:00) as hexagon(al yod(7))=7(:)7, 27(=3³=3×3×3 cube)=19 circles of the flower of life=19 as hexagonal yod=19th triangle number(=19×10)=190(=3:10=91(0)(=1:31=13:31)=13th triangle number)=7th centered nonagonal(9) number((=)7×9=63(=21×3))=1+(9×6th triangle number(21))=1+189, 189(base 12)=(base)2(:)49(=(base) 169(=13²))=2(:)48(=168(roots))=E8 lie group=(21st triangle number(231) containing/forming the)64 tetrahedron grid((three 6th triangle numbers)=63(+1)=64=4:4:4)=444=7:24=(7×24=)168=2(:)48=14:48(=(7:24)×2(=168×2=168+168))=888=147+741, 22nd hexagonal number(=1+(21st triangle number×6))=6th triangle number×18=(27th triangle number=)378(polygon≈1133(|33(:)11=19(|)91)=693(=231×3)=77×9=77th centered nonagonal number)=189:189=168(169)+168=336(337)=E8, (1133=11×33=363)+1=364(=(1030(base 7)+301(base 11)=1331≈)444(polygon)(base 9)(Note: Symbolism: base 7×base 11=nonagon((base)9)=77th nonagonal number=693=1133=103((:00)=7(:00))×11=1030+103)), Ω/((π*7)/(π^7))≈77(.89220437267), Ωth triangle number(=Ω×((Ω+1)/2)=Ω×((Ω+Ωe^Ω)/2))=0.444.
7 loops of base 28(=27) applied to base 37(=36)=(the fine structure constant)(YHWH=(1/137≈)π7/π⁷)(×100)=27/37=(0.)729=27² which forms (1/137=0.00)729(|)927=729+927=1656(=3311)|6561(0)=hexagon:pentagon:hexagon:(point/circle)+pentagon:hexagon:pentagon:(point/circle)=5651(0)=YHWH and base (27/37≈0.)73=72=YHWH.
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!