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What LC thinks and stuff 295

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual so lets get into it!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

As usual they always demonize us Jews because that's all they ever do and know how to do:

It do be like this:

There not Palestinian, there called Mizrahi Jews and pretty much all of them live in Israel, LOL!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

These memes perfectly described me:

An update regarding the due date(s): I was giving two due dates by the doctor, one is May 5th which is what the pregnancy tracker app also gave me and a new due date which is apparently more accurate and which is May 16th which does line up with how many weeks pregnant I am which is based on the weeks my pregnancy test gave me and the dates I most likely got pregnant.

I found out there is a "fat squirrel hate" subreddit and I can't stop laughing, LOL! I feel sorry for the squirrels though, how could you hate them‽

Betrayal, LOL!

"I play games where you get fucked to death", same but then I'll rebirth you, LOL!

I don't know what happened on Monday but "Numbers Aplenty", my favorite numbers website which allows you to check out the properties of numbers, was down all day(?) and I wanted to look into two numbers which I am talking about in todays post and if anyone is interested the numbers I'll be looking into are 741 and 1715. Anyway luckily the website was back up on Tuesday so I could continue my research!

This is how my fiance fucks me!

I like how he keeps calling me a doughnut but just eat me already, LOL!

I have noticed that my cravings are starting to going because I'm not craving noodles and spicy food as much anymore which is disappointing because my resistance to spicy food has gone up plus I have begun to like eating more of it.

One weird thing to think about is the fact that 1 is infinitely bigger than negative infinity.

My thoughts when I see a "British accent" meme: You make fun of our British accent and think it's weird yet we're the original speakers of the language so if anything your accent is the weird one!


"I know when someone is lying because my vagina gets a tingling sensation", it works the opposite way for me, it stops tingling when someone lies, LOL!

I can't stop laughing at this, LOL(!): "The Onion, the satirical news company that repeatedly spoofed conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, has won the bankruptcy auction for control over his media empire most notably InfoWars, the far-right, conspiracy-minded website that served as Jones' primary online platform."

You don't want to know, LOL!

My pussy purrs just like other pussies, LOL!

My computer updated three days in a row, I don't understand why they don't put all the updates together so it only needs to do it once.

"Big D" really isn't a good name for your nuts, it sounds so wrong just like what I said(, LOL!):

Very suspicious and I don't think I'll get an answer:

Me on Friday night: *drinks at least 2 liters of green tea*
My body yesterday morning: No you don't need to go to the toilet.
Me: That's suspicious, where did you put all the tea‽

One thing that I would like to remember is being in the womb. I was thinking about this on Friday night, wondering what it's like for my baby being in my womb. Now I want to be in a womb again.

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished watching "Maid Sama" and it was fucking amazing and I wish it had another season but it doesn't and it most likely never will since it's 14 years old also talking about that, even though it came out in 2010 it felt like an early 2000's anime! Anyway my favorite character was definitely "Usui Takumi" but I'm disappointed he didn't exactly have a backstory other than what I'm assuming was the stuff in both the endings of the anime so I might end up reading the manga.

  • Anyway I am now watching "Special A"!


I forgot to post this last week but it's an interesting "coincidence" if true!

Anyway since they research pyramids, and therefore pyramid numbers which are the sum of square numbers, they gave me an idea which was decided the view the geometry in my dream as a pyramid and I decided to use the 27th pyramid number because I already know the number because interestingly it's 6930 plus it's related to 27² which I recently researched. Anyway I decided to do something different, I decided to look at the number of squares on the outside layer  because when viewed from the top down it would look like different levels of my geometry overlayed on top of each other forming a grid. To calculate the number of outer squares first each Nth square number levels outer squares need to be calculated by using the equation 4(N-1) and second all the outer square numbers need to be summed up and doing this there are 1404 squares on the outer layer of the 27th pyramid (number). But in my original geometry each square has two extra squares so the value is multiplied by three so there are 4212 squares and coincidentally 4212 is connect to 253 which I started researching again and which coincidentally is connect to a third thing I was researching which is 741 and spheres so three things I was currently researching have become one thing(!):

  • 27th decagonal number=28(:)35=1715(.4)(volume)=Sphere=693(0(=27th pyramid number)=1²+2²+3²+4²+...+27²)(surface area), 103×11=103+1030=11(:)33=693(volume)=Sphere=378(.7)(surface area)(=27th triangle number)(=surface to volume ratio=0.546(5)), 693=3×(231=(21×22)/2=21st triangle number), 3311(=21st pyramid number)=1²+2²+3²+4²+...+21².

  • 22nd triangle number=253|352=103+249, 351(=352-1)=253(0)(base 12)=4212=3×1404, 4212+1=27th star number, 1404(outer squares of the)=27th pyramid number, (1/253)+(1/352)=0.00679=1/147(.2), 679|976=16th decagonal number, 147|741(volume)=Sphere=396(surface area)(base 12)=546, 12:21=741=38th triangle number.

Also I noticed when I posted this on Wednesday I coincidentally had 741 followers on MeWe!

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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