Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual, other than Thursday which I will talk about in the next section, and on Friday I didn't have work because I had my ultrasound! I was so excited that I couldn't sleep much and stayed up late on Thursday night but I was still somehow fully awake and not tired anyway I saw the baby and they look and are growing perfectly fine, YAY! Also I won't be posting any pictures but for later scans I will so you'll have to wait a few weeks to see a scan of my baby! Anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
Again I have more proof.
Me and Lancer were mutuals until a month ago when I blocked him because he told me not to get my child circumcised because I'm Jewish even though I have stated on multiple occasions that I don't follow the religion and that Jews are an ethnoreligion AKA an ethnicity and our beliefs(religion) which he doesn't understand anyway it's a good thing I blocked him because I only recently found out that he is a pedo, which makes me question what he said even more, and on Wednesday I had to block him on Instagram and wix because he followed my public Instagram account (and sent a message), attempted to follow my private Instagram account and he joined this blog website. Also thanks to wix I now have his email, LOL! (Note: I overlayed the screenshot of the wix app on the Instagram screenshot.)
This really fucking pissed me off, the people who did this and the people who said this isn't about hating Jews deserve to be killed and would you look at that, they mention this happened because Israelis (who are most likely Jews obviously) were "tearing down Palestinian flags" and "attacking taxis" but they don't bring up these screenshots showing that the attack against Israelis were preplanned and the flags were set up to draw in some Israelis, obviously not all of them, and if they did attack taxis then its obvious why since the taxi drivers were literally telling the attackers where Israelis are.
And obviously everyone is going to ignore this.
Random and funny stuff of the week:
What I(t) looked like when I was born!
Yes, us angels are higher dimensional beings.
I got a coca cola ad on Spotify and it was pretty much just the fizzing sound. Looks like there trying to make ASMR ads now, LOL!
On Monday I ate 16 salmon balls/bites and they were fucking amazing! I still can't decide what my favorite fish is because they all taste amazing so I still can't answer what my favorite meat is other than "sea food".
I checked out the Andkon website and as expected most of the games no longer work even my favorite games on there. Surprisingly they obviously updated the website in 2021 due to this. Also I say surprisingly because they haven't added new games since 2012.
He finally made hard crack, LOL! Jokes aside he didn't make pop rocks, he made exploding rocks, LOL! Also he said he is probably going to make them with more dangerous gas so he literally is going to make exploding rocks. Anyway popping candy is definitely one of my favorite candies especially when it's in chocolate.
Tuesday was bonfire night here in the UK, so there were lots of fireworks, and it was also Election Day in the US but I'm not going to get political like last time because I am not going to lie but I hated how I got political last time, LOL! Anyway all I'll say about the election is, does anyone remember how Eric Cartman (in South park) rigged the election in 2012(?), LOL!
Also talking about bonfire night I thought me, my fiance and friends wouldn't be going out to a fireworks display this year but we decided to go to a fireworks display yesterday and it was the local one they haven't done for years. Personally I thought it didn't matter if we went because we can literally see fireworks everywhere. Also I'm pretty sure the fireworks are louder because they sound way louder than they use to.
Yes I probably do mean it like that(, LOL!):
My friend: Why are there scissors on the floor?
Me: Because I scissored your mom!
Another reason to say fuck the UN, I mean I understand the children one because people do questionable stuff with anime children but other than that this is fucking stupid.
Is Peanut the new Harambe?
One thing that still amazes me is the fact that there are roughly 68 million people here in the UK which is roughly equal to the number of people who voted for one of the parties in the US election.
Yes because that's what I was doing and if it was then my answer would have been no(, LOL!):
Me in a dark room: *flashes my phone light repeatedly.*
My friend: What are you flashing in there?
Me: My phones flashlight!
My friend: *Walks into my room* Stop flashing your tits!
I know cheese and onion bakes are meant to go puffed up when cooked but I don't think there meant to go this puffed up, LOL! It's trying to be me, delicious and thick!
Apparently my muscles around womb will start hurting because they will expand so I said "Why do my my muscles need to complain about it, at least there getting exercise", LOL!
My brother said he is going to tame a bear. That's how you know we are (half) Russian, LOL!
Yes you (already) met me!
Yesterday for the fireworks display I wore three layers of clothing, and even though it was freezing, I probably shouldn't have because I was boiling. Anyway I don't really have anything to say about it other than I had two burgers, a normal cheese one and then a pork and stuffing with apple sauce one (I really do love being a non religious Jew). Also I don't have any pictures of the fireworks because I don't see the point in posting them since I've posted pictures before.
Instagram has changed the text colours for stories again but luckily it's back to what they use to be so I can use purple again instead of indigo.
Mainly Johnny:
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished "Alya-san" and it was fucking amazing, so I binge watched it(...), and I think it might be in my top 10 favorite anime. Also I don't know if it was just the English dub but I'm pretty sure it's full of memes and some of the stuff they say just sounds like the stuff generation z/early generation alpha (irl) say, LOL! I loved the opening, which I think might be one of my favorite songs, and I thought it was interesting that they used a different Japanese song for every ending, some of them I already knew and are my favorites as well. I have one problem with it though, I didn't need to use the subtitles because I can speak Russian but when they dubbed the show they didn't even change the subtitles to English so there in Japanese, they should have changed them for the English audience that doesn't know Russian!
Anyway I then watched "Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan" which was a good anime but personally I didn't like it much so I ended up binge watching 8 episodes of it in one night. I'm surprised I didn't like it because from what I saw of it, before watching, I thought it looked good.
I then watched "Masamune-kun's Revenge" which was fucking amazing, I loved it and it might be another anime in my top 10 favorite list, so I ended up binge watching it especially season 2 which I watched in it's entirety on Thursday night which is another reason I stayed up later than usual plus I loved season 1's opening which I have apparently heard before because I have it liked on Spotify so I've obviously heard it once. The ending of the anime was amazing and very unexpected because season 2, especially the last two episodes, had a lot of plot twists also talking about the endings of the seasons, I personally did not like the ending of season 1 because of the character "Kanetsugu Gasou" who I fucking hated, to the point where I wished to see them get killed off, because they faked there identity so they lied about who they are which is something I fucking hate (especially lying itself) but I understand why they did what they did but I still hate it but I did end up liking them after S2 EP6. Also talking about season 2, it came out last year so it came out 6 years after season 1 which I didn't know so it's a good thing I didn't have to wait to finish the story. Anyway I'm just like "Masamunes" mom, a loli (but unlike her I'm also thick!), also I find it funny how he actually called her "loli hag" plus I now know where that "dad, loli mom and son" meme comes from, LOL! (Yes I'm still making the joke that I'm a loli because I am short, have small tits and apparently still look like a teen, LOL!)
I am now watching "Maid Sama"!
As mentioned last week I had a really weird dream where I peeled the skin off of my face and it had all geometric patterns on it and the dream felt really realistic, to the point where I felt awake, and for some reason I really wanted to recreate the geometric pattern(s) so here it is! Anyway I googled what the dream could mean and apparently it means that a massive life transformation is about to happen so I am thinking I probably had the dream because this week I am having my ultrasound because I am pregnant but I still don't know what the geometric pattern all over the skin means. Also it reminded me of this meme I posted early last year.
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!