Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been amazing as usual so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
FUCK YES WE UNALIVED SINWAR! US JEWS ARE GOING TO PARTY NOW! Also I forgot to change "unalived" to "killed" when I posted my previous sentence(Instagram note) on MeWe and discord anyway this is why they didn't want Israel going into Rafa.
Random and funny stuff of the week:
Yes, all of us angels look different!
"Do you want gravy all over", YES! cover me so Lloyd can eat me for his Sunday dinner!
"Big butt is finally home", yes I am, LOL!
I have never had Mini M&Ms and I think there new(?) here in the UK and honestly they are actually fucking amazing! I need a bigger bag of them!
Yes, my entire body is a sexual organ, LOL!
I noticed, based on the images from the pregnancy tracker app, it's around this point during pregnancy that the embryo/baby looks like the aliens in those alien slime egg toys(, LOL!) so I guess I'm a giant alien slime egg! All I need to do is add the slime, LOL!
I haven't been paying too much attention to this until now because I use YouTube on my TV and I only use chrome to watch anime but Google is now removing ad blocks to try and prevent people from blocking ads on YouTube so I checked my extensions and apparently there not only taking all of my ad blockers down but there removing my script blocker and tunnel bear blocker which blocks ads and scripts. Luckily I will still have them but they won't get updates so I don't know if I will be able to use them in the distant future plus I don't know if they will work after they take them down which is unfortunate because I only use them to illegally watch anime on chrome.
I find it rude people just assume what alien dicks look like, it's racist to us aliens.
There selling Christmas food early but I'm not complaining because these Christmas gingerbread Oreos are actually fucking amazing!
I've been really hungry recently, which isn't a surprise, especially on Thursday so I ate 7 sausages, LOL!
I've talked about this children's game console before but I remember my family use to have the 2004 v.smile! Also one of the add-ons was a drawing pad which reminded me of the weird drawing pad game console we also use to have which might have been this but I extremely doubt it because of the games it had on it which weren't educational if I remember.
Around (either) today (or in the previous few day or tomorrow) I am (or will be) 1/4th of the way through my pregnancy! This means that in two weeks I will be having my ultrasound! Also me and my fiance might have chosen the two names that we might name our baby now!
I think Instagram has finally actually fixed the problem where you like stories and it goes pixilated but now that I say it I feel like Instagram will go back to doing it because I think the exact same thing happened before, LOL!
I'm going to fucking do it!
Halloween themed/styled text is now a thing on Instagram.
I'm drinking naked. (Don't take that out of context, I'm talking about a smoothie called naked!)
I don't use Temu and never will anyway I got this ad from them, what the fuck is this, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished the first 4 seasons of "DanMachi", short for "Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka", and it was amazing and I did try watching it's spinoff "Danmachi Sword Oratoria" but apparently all the anime websites I am using have it but the first episode just won't play so I have put it on hold also I am going to wait for all of season 5 to air so I can continue watching it.
Anyway I am now watching "TenSura"!
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!