Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing, except from what I'm about to talk about, so lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
Iran attacked Israel so fuck Iran!
Ah yes, they definitely don't hate Jews, they just hate Israel.
If this doesn't show you which side the UN is actually on then I don't know what will.
Random and funny stuff of the week:
I am shorter than this note.
Recently there has been a lot of rainfall warnings for the area where I live which has been annoying.
Snap it like a glow stick, LOL(!):
My friend: Just snap his dick.
Me: Yes, snap it like a glow stick and it will probably end up glowing.
My fiance: You don't need to snap mine to make it glow.
Me: Yes I don't with how fast you thrust.
Yes "more like physicist", LOL!
The pregnancy tracker said that my womb is now the size of an orange so it might be time to get maternity clothes, well I think this was all obvious about two weeks ago considering my clothes started feeling tighter also my question is what type of orange?
Me and my fiance have been together for 927 days on Monday and I haven't looked into the number yet but the reverse of 927|729=3⁶, 927+729=1656 and 1656 is "half" of 3311 which is the number I always see also 729 is related to the fine structure constant(1/137=0.00729)!
I'm so close to being a lesbian!
It finally October so it's time to be a pregnant succubus for a month!
My skin is never dry but unfortunately it is now and apparently it's another symptom of pregnancy. I guess I'm going to have to get wet and yes I probably mean it like that, LOL!
Personally I have always wanted bigger tits, which I have stated multiple times, but I do like them the size that they are so I'm not bothered about making them bigger BUT I just saw (what I'm assuming was definitely) a (joke) video of breast implants that light up so it looks like I will have colourful glowing tits in the future, LOL!
Wednesday was a very Italian day, I had spaghetti but with meatballs and I had the orange version of my favorite sparkling water/drinks which was nice but personally I prefer the lemon flavor.
"I'll fuck you with a cactus", fucking do it then!
I had blue raspberry flavored sunny D and my fiance said "You have a sunny dick? You make my dick explode like a supernova", LOL! At least I make him explode like a sun rather than a pager, LOL!
My brother said I am the definition of calculus, yes I am (but probably in reverse(?)) because my integral is my mom and is almost the exact same equation (because we look very similar to the point where my siblings call me mom) and my baby is my derivative and is a completely different equation, LOL! I'm pretty sure I've seen a maths meme/joke about this before, LOL!
I have always wondered where the image came from so it's nice to know now.
You can forward messages on discord now!!!
I doubt Italy will like this and I doubt it was made there, even though it says on the box that it was, but there is "chip shop curry" pizza now(...) and surprisingly it's nice... Apparently chip shop curry is now becoming a "popular" flavor because I talked about how they now have it as a flavor of crisps anyway I've had some weird "Italian" pizzas like this before such as spaghetti pizza which was actually fucking amazing but filling as fuck. Anyway the UK needs to stop with making these fake Italian foods, LOL!
This is literally what I do, LOL!
Apparently I'm craving bread now so I might end up eating a loaf of bread.
I was feeling nostalgic again so I ended up watching nostalgia videos again and now I feel old again because the shows I use to watch as a kid and teen are now 15-25 years old... Also it reminded me of the sonic game "Sonic Rush" which was one of the first games I had on DS.
I forgot about this picture so it was nice that Google showed it to me again, it's still one of my favorite pictures!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished "KonoSuba" which was amazing so I really hope they make another season which I'm assuming will most likely happen because the newest one actually came out this year(?) also I already mentioned last week that Darkness is my favorite character, because personally I think she is similar to me, and all I have to say about her is (I) would (marry her)!
Anyway I have started (re)watching "Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka" and I put the "re" in bracket because I did actually watch the first two seasons but I put the anime on hold a few years ago so I didn't continue it so I have decided to rewatch it and continue it especially since it's 5th season actually started airing yesterday.
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!