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What LC thinks and stuff 288

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual so lets get into it!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

I watched it and all I can say is it's disappointing how people completely ignore this genocidal massacre.

This (story) reminds me, I only came across this page on Wikipedia recently but this reminds me, of "Zionist antisemitism" where antisemites pretend to be and support Zionis-t/m to get rid of us Jews. An example of this is how the Nazis (apparently) "helped" Zionists(Jews). Also although they will (most likely) deny this, Christian Zionism is Zionist antisemitism because according to the end times in Christianity (and Islam) all Jews will die.

Random and funny stuff of the week:

Craving really spicy noodles isn't good for my mouth and the other hole, luckily for the baby it's the other hole, LOL! Anyway it turns out you can actually cook noodles in tea, specifically green tea which is perfect for me since I pretty much only drink green tea, because it's my favourite drink, and I found out this by googling if you can and the second result is actually spicy green tea noodles which is perfect!

I was using the AI app to generate depictions for (the) next week(s) and it has ads and I saw an ad for a game and in the ad a vampire drank period blood... I've heard the joke before but never expected to see it...

Me and my friends saw someone was selling the "Charlie and the chocolate factory" and "Lego Star Wars" PS2 games so we brought them! I remember I used to play them both all the time so I can't wait to play them on PS2 again! We haven't used the PS2 for a while now that I think about it.


I was wondering if the AI could generate a depiction of me giving birth but unfortunately it can't, LOL!

I was sorting out my screenshots by moving some of them to my saved screenshots folder (which is the folder to save important, interesting or screenshots of stuff I like) and I thought I had 678 screenshots in the folder but it actually turned out to be 679 and coincidentally I was moving 653 screenshots to the folder so I ended up having 1332 screenshots, I thought it was 1331 though because I thought it was 678 as mentioned. The numbers 679, 1331 and 1332 are all related to each other and the number 1133, these numbers keep appearing for me and I seriously don't think it's a coincidence.

I've been wanting to make this "joke" for a while because people like calling Israel "IsntReal", even though archeology and history have proven ancient Israel was real, anyway here it is: "Its called Israel because it IsReal"!

Wix has introduced a lot of AI features such as AI suggestion titles and for the past 2 weeks it has suggested "LC's pregnancy journey" so I guess wix knows I'm pregnant, LOL! Also I've talked about AI a lot this week so I should stop, LOL!

Apparently I'm not just craving really spicy noodles, I'm also craving just normal noodles and really spicy foods, such as the dynamite chicken that I had before that literally destroyed my holes. I feel like by the end of my pregnancy I won't have any holes left, LOL!

I don't know how that makes me a pervert but ok, LOL(!):

My brother: Why does it smell like strawberries in here?
Me: because I'm in here.
My brother: Ew you pervert!

We have decided we will sell our budgies. We are doing this because, now that we're having a baby, we need more room in the house plus we won't have enough time to look after them. Honestly I would be sad about selling them but I'm having a baby which makes me happier and which I think is better. Also talking about needing more room in my house, if you don't remember or know some of my friends live with me in my house and most of them are planning on moving out so we can have more room in my house.

I don't have anything else to say so I'll leave this here:

I couldn't stop laughing because a fly landed upsidedown on my desk and it was spinning around really fast, LOL!

I was going to talk about this when I finished the anime but I wanted to talk about it now anyway Darkness from "Konosuba" is definitely my favourite character from the anime since she is (in my opinion) similar to me especially when regarding personality which makes sense because I checked out what her personality is and it's ENFJ-6w7-612 whilst I'm an INFJ-6w7-612 so the only difference is she's extroverted whilst I'm introverted (but if you get to know me you'll probably think I'm extroverted because of my strong w7). Also I'm going to have to state this now but our sexual preferences are completely different because I'm not a masochistic, LOL!

MeWe finally added bookmarks so now I can finally save posts, like I do on Instagram and threads, the only other social medias I use anymore. I use to just share posts to my other account through DMs or if it was porn then to my private group(I'm still going to save porn there though), LOL!

I haven't watched "Nux Taku" for a year and a half and I love how he has become more openly Jewish (after October 7th) because he keeps making Jewish jokes, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me! I didn't start generating the AI depiction for Sunday until last Saturday and I was trying to generate using "Magic AI" but it wasn't generating in the usual anime style I normally post so I tried to change the style but no matter which style I chose it always generated the same non-anime one so I thought the app needed updating but the app is no longer available on the app store so I had an app on my phone which no one can get anymore plus it appears it's become useless at generating so the app is just useless now. Luckily I found a new app, called ETM, which allows me to use NSFW commands like "Magic AI" but unlike "Magic AI" it is way more accurate at generating what I exactly want and, just like "Spell AI", it gives me unlimited generations. It got the "small breasts" command correct but I think I need to add "Small pregnancy bump" to make the bump small also unfortunately the only thing it actually got wrong is the hair, it gave me short hair:

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished "Overlord" which was amazing! I was planning to watch it over 2 weeks but I ended up binge watching it. I didn't really care about the (reptilians/)lizard people story, which is surprising since if you know me you know I love reptilians to the point where I used to joke about being one because of the stupid antisemitic conspiracy theory saying Jews are reptilians, anyway I did like seeing the lizard people have sex as you can guess, LOL! Also I hope they make a season 5, apparently it was actually announced last week but I don't know if that announcement is real since the new season hasn't been listed on MAL yet but it would make sense if it is coming out soon since season 1 came out in 2015, season 2 and 3 came out in 2018 and 2019 and then season 4 came out in 2022 so it appears it's every 3 years so next year there might be a new season.

  • Anyway I am now watching "KonoSuba" which is another anime I've been wanting to watch for years but I am definitely starting it now because of the gender equality memes especially the ovaries one, LOL!

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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