Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Today is the first day of autumn!!! Anyway this week has been amazing as usual so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
The Zionism article on Wikipedia is antisemitic!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
Yes my IQ is 1133!
If you don't know, which is probably the case for most people since I don't talk about it much, I work for my family's company which is heavily science focused and I studied physics at University so my job is experimental physics, specifically I try and prove concepts in theoretical physics, so sometimes I get to use radioactive elements but my family/the company has decided to stop me from doing most experiments because I'm pregnant... I honestly understand why but it disappoints me. This means I will be mostly at my desk from now on, doing most of the writing for my group and doing equations.
One amazing thing about Monday was the fact that I wasn't as tired as I was all last week but the days after, except from Friday because I wasn't tired at all again, and yesterday I was unfortunately tired again so I didn't post much yesterday.
I had a really weird dream on Monday night, I dreamed that my baby started growing really fast, so fast that my pregnancy happened within two days and then I gave birth, LOL! My brain is trying to rush my pregnancy because I'm excited about it, LOL!
Instagram gave me an ad for this glass jug and this might sound weird but it's nostalgic because this is the exact jug that my family use to have! Now I really want to buy one and surprisingly it's actually cheap!
On Tuesday I had to leave work early again because I started feeling sick and the feeling wouldn't go away, apparently it might have been the start of my morning sickness which unfortunately apparently can happen at anytime of the day even though it's called "morning"... Also yes it was the start so I'm going to be feeling sick for the next few weeks... So here we fucking go, it is morning sickness...
The ice cream man who use to serve where I use to live, as a kid/teen, retired last year and my mom told me that he died... Very unfortunate, I'm going to miss that Italian.
Also talking about him, I remember we always use to get ice cream from him just before 7pm and then we always use to watch "The Simpsons" on Sky One or Channel 4, I don't remember which one since we always switched between them but I do remember it use to be on BBC 2 before it moved to Channel 4 in 2004.
They do oreo flavored coca cola and it tastes just like oreos!!! I honestly don't know what to say other than it's weird and amazing! Anyway I also had cheese toastie flavor crisps and they were good!
Well my clothes are starting to feel slightly tighter... This means I'm going to have to get XXL sized clothes... (Also yes I'm in XL sized clothes, I have been since I was in my early teens, and this is because of my pear shaped body causing me to have a fat ass, LOL!)
There is a sweet(candy)/bubble gum called "Camel balls" (also the packaging actually shows a camels balls, LOL!) and my youngest sister brought a lot of them but there actually egg shaped which makes no sense (sexually), LOL!
On Thursday night I dream about the really spicy noodles I had before but I promised to never have them again because of how spicy they are but apparently I'm craving them... And apparently in the dream I was cooking them in tea so I want to cook them in tea, LOL!
Instagram is suggesting reels of sushi to me, I wish I could have sushi.
Apparently yesterday there was supposed to be a massive thunderstorm crossing the UK between 3pm and 6pm but where I am it was just sunny and warm after 3pm.
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished watching "Kimi ni Todoke" which was fucking amazing, it's definitely in my top 10 favorite anime and I'm surprised Funimation never dubbed it but at least when Netflix got the rights to it it was finally dubbed and got a new season! I did want to watch it around January, earlier this year, but the dub wasn't out but apparently the dub came out on February 1st(?) so I actually didn't need to wait as long as I did but I would have anyway because the new season didn't come out until much later(?). Also talking about my favorite anime, I really need to get back on the MAL website and edit my top 10 list.
Anyway I'm going back to my Isekai binge since I do still have a lot of Isekai anime to watch so I am finally watching "Overlord", which I have been wanting to watch for years now but never got around to, so since its all on Netflix UK I will be staying on Netflix for a while, which I haven't done for ages!
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!