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What LC thinks and stuff 280

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual and it's finally August(!) meaning its one month until my birthday! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Putting all the blame on Israel is literally projecting your antisemitism onto Israel a Jewish country.

Random and funny stuff of the week:

The drug is named after me, the biblically accurate angel you see when you take it(:)

, (this is inside my brain) so/and if you take the drug this is what your brains insides will become:

This week I posted my 700th post on Instagram!

There is a new(?) KA flavor called "Karnival Twist" which is coconut and lime flavored and it tastes fucking amazing and it interestingly tastes like an alcoholic drink that I've had before. (Also no this new KA flavor isn't alcoholic.) Also talking about KA...

"Instead of putting the fan up your dress, your humping it now", yes!

I used my favorite meatballs, which are chicken and chorizo meatballs, to make a cheese and meatball toastie and it was fucking amazing!

I'll just leave this here.

I've said this before (I think(?)) and I'll say it again, I'm so close to being a lesbian (again) but my fiances existence stops me and keeps me bi/pan, LOL!

It's disappointing, but not a surprise, that the Xbox 360 store has shut down this week.

I dropped my flower of life cup twice, luckily it didn't break.

How exactly are those two things related, there completely different things, (Wiki) Fandom!

My youngest sister, who for context is in her late teens, loved "Demon Slayer" and got our mom to watch it with her, brought a "Shinobu Kocho" cosplay costume:

My sister: *Runs around in the costume*
Our mom: She's weird.
Me: What did you expect, were your children.

I think threads purge accounts, I wasn't on for a few days and on Wednesday I noticed I lost 75 followers.


One thing that doesn't make sense about me, which I noticed this week, is that my body is terrible at controlling its temperature, I don't like hot weather and I love the cold BUT I love boiling hot showers which could possibly, most likely, definitely, burn your skin off.

I saw an ad for the second season of "Squid Game" so it's finally coming!

Love is coming all over me, LOL!

I had a very nostalgic dream about the primary school I went to, I very rarely have dreams about primary school, so it was surprising, but I often have dreams about secondary school even though I haven't been at school for years. I still wonder why I still dream about school.

I said I want 24 cans of KA black grape for my birthday, instead of 12 bottles(6 litres) because there is more in 24 cans(7.92 litres), and my sister said that she will tell our mom to get 8 litres of lube for me instead, LOL!

Yesterday I was listening to music on Spotify but it suddenly stopped working so I reloaded the page and got this message, it turned out that Spotify went down...

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me! This one is accurate but as usual it's made the tits slightly too big also it generated a second girl who was much smaller but had blue hair which wasn't completely generated so obviously I cut her out and had to do some noticeable editing on the right side (so if you want the original it's here). Also this time I finally decided to change the dress colour!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished rewatching and watching the new season of "Black Butler" and as expected it was fucking amazing and I loved the plot twist/reveal of who the headmaster was but I predicted it an episode or two prior. I didn't watch season 2 and next time I rewatch it, which will probably be next year since another season(?) comes out next year, I won't watch half of season 1 since they aren't (entirely) canon also what I don't understand is that "Book of Circus" was actually being written around the time of season 1's airing so I don't know why they didn't make "Book of Circus"(the real season 2) the ending of season 1 and if they couldn't have then they could have made a non-canon ending which didn't change the actual canon and then made "Book of Circus" season 2 instead of "season 3". One thing that does annoy me is the fact they use the tetragrammaton pentagram for "Ciels" eye which is most likely because of Christianity associating it and the Kabbalah, which it is used in, with demons/satanism but if people actually looked into it tetragrammaton literally means 4 letters which is used to say YHWH, the Hebrew name of god, which shouldn't be spoken aloud and they would also find out the Kabbalah is entirely based on decoding the Torah/Bible and explaining how God created everything so it obviously isn't demonic/satanic. Also I'm still disappointed that "I'm Alive", the first ending to season 1, isn't available here in the UK even though the song is entirely in English also it's really nostalgic especially since, as previously mentioned, you can tell it's from the 2000's.

  • Anyway the next and final anime in my rewatch list is (only season 1 of) "Yuki Yuna is a Hero", which I started on Friday, and then I have another list of anime, which are mostly new seasons of anime I've already watched, that goes up to the 23rd because from the 24th until the 30th I'm going on holiday so I won't be watching anime then.

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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