Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been amazing as usual so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
These protesters definitely aren't antisemitic.
Random and funny stuff of the week:
Now that I notice it, it does feel like I'm on drugs when reading my research.
I forgot how amazing strawberry pop tarts are!
For some reason my mom wants a pet elephant in her house and my dad obviously said no, LOL!
My mom has apparently planned a family "day out" at a restaurant in two weeks so I guess I'm going to deep throat a burger in front of my family again, LOL!
My anime post was too big for discord so I had to split it in 2...
This literally is me:
I dropped my phone on the end of my toes and it fucking hurt... I very rarely, if ever, drop my phone and when I do it normally accidentally slides out of my pocket and before it hits the floor I am always able to catch it with my hand on my leg.
This seems about right.
I think the funniest thing in my life happened, I was drinking a fizzy drink and I started coughing on the bubbles (they caused me to cough), LOL!
"Do you want to lick my ass, it tastes like lemons now!"
I haven't had Space Raiders for years, I always use to have them when I was a kid but I still find it disappointing they changed the packaging back around the early 2010s but one thing I do like is how they have different alien races for the different flavors and how they put information about the alien races on the back of the packaging.
My brain glitched, I couldn't spell fractal for 5 minutes...
I don't know if I've mentioned having them before but I had Heinz chili beans again and they are fucking amazing, they taste exactly like chili!
I'm around the age of 30, I'm not revealing my actual age, and I correspond to quite a few of these also I joke about being a milf, even though I'm not a mom, but am I considered a milf? Am I considered the other meaning of milf? Also no I won't be your girlfriend, I already have a fiance.
I watched a YouTuber called "Mini Architect" build a mini mansion with mini bricks. That was probably one of the most interesting videos I've ever watched.
I forgot the school year ended on Friday here in the UK so there is going to be children everywhere for the next 6 weeks... The children of the current generation are literally cursed...
I was wondering if watermelon flavored tea was a thing, and obviously it is, so I was searching for it on Amazon and I think Amazon knows me too well, LOL!
There was a fake porn bot following problem on Twitter, it then became a problem on threads and they were viewing Instagram stories and now they are requesting to follow on Instagram itself because I've had 5 fake porn bots trying to follow me within the past two day. This is going to be fucking annoying.
I use to make the joke about eating people's eggs and now my brother is making it and threatening to eat my eggs(...):
My brother: *Makes a sound like a seagull*
Me: You sound like a seagull.
My brother: That's because I am a seagull.
Me: That makes sense because your always stealing food from my house.
My brother: Your a bird too then so next I will eat your family.
Me: What do you mean?
My brother: I'll eat the eggs you and Lloyd(my fiance) make.
"Your bed will turn you into a cream cracker", yes if my fiance is on it.
This is definitely me, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I finished watching "Oban Star Racers" on Saturday, I thought I was going to finish it on Sunday but my calculations from a month ago were off by one day, anyway the last time I watched it was two years ago when it apparently was only available on YouTube(?) and literally last year the creator released the anime in a high quality version which I'm assuming is the one I watched this time because it had the original Japanese opening and ending instead of the English opening and ending and it didn't have the Jetix logo at the bottom of the screen, like the YouTube one, because it was obviously obtained through a DVD also it was nice to see the Jetix logo animation in the end credits. Also talked about the opening, I don't know why they didn't have AKINO sing an English version of it for the English version of the anime because I know she knows English because she sung an English version of her debut and my favorite song which is actually the opening for one of my favorite anime which has the same name of the song, "Genesis of Aquarion". I've mentioned this a few times before but the last time I watched it prior to two years ago was back when it was airing on Jetix which was when I didn't know it was an anime and didn't even know what anime was and since I've been rewatching anime I have been thinking about finding and rewatching the anime that I watched back then when I didn't know what anime even was.
So last Sunday I binged watched "Dokuro-chan" during the day since unfortunately it is only 6 OVAs and honestly after rewatching it, it doesn't seem as cringe and cursed as I remembered it and it was actually quite good which is why I use to rewatch it all the time.
Anyway on Sunday night I started rewatching "Black Butler" and I completely forgot about the first ending song which is one of my favorite songs, it may actually be in my top 3, also you can tell it was from the 2000s because it sounds exactly like songs back from then but unfortunately it's literally blocked here in the UK due to copyright laws so it isn't available on Spotify so I did the thing we use to do back then, I illegally yoinked it from the Internet, specifically from YouTube, also I'm currently doing this to a few songs because I lost all the songs I use to have downloaded due to my previous phone deleting stuff randomly.
19(|)91=33(:)11(:0)=311(:0)=11(:0)=13(:)31(:0)(=1:31=91=13th triangle number)=19(0=19×10=19th triangle number)(=3:10=91(0))=19 circles of the flower of life=27(=3×3×3 cube), 27th triangle number=378(polygon)≈11(:)33=693|396=397|793(=12th star number((=)396+(397=12th hexagonal number)))=13:13=1(:)13(|311)=73, 5(:0)=1133(:0)=13(:)13(:0)
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!