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What LC thinks and stuff 278

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual so lets get into it!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

96%, the majority, of us Jews have experienced antisemitism daily so tell me how this "free Palestine" shit isn't antisemitic when the majority of us Jews say it is and what makes it worse is these "free Palestine" pieces of shit are saying it isn't so there literally trying to decide what is and isn't antisemitic for us Jews (which is the equivalent of a white person deciding what is and isn't racist for a black person) by using fringe fake Jewish organizations, such as JVP (who were mostly founded by non Jews), which the majority of us Jews condemned.

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I got the news from a fish, LOL!

Ah yes, my pussy is cute, LOL(!):

My friend: *Points at me* The cute ass!
My fiance: You mean cute ass and pussy.
My friend: Cute my pussy.
Me: No I think you mean [cute] my pussy.
My fiance: Yes, cute her(me) pussy.

Well I know what I'm watching just based on the name, LOL!

"who would pickle peaches", good question, I would!

Apparently my brothers and sisters have elected me as mom, LOL!

For anyone wondering, yes I do want to be a drug so I can get people high because I've been told by someone that when they listen/read what I say/write (regarding my research) they felt like they are on drugs, LOL!

I said "I'm an impatient squirrel looking for a nut" and my fiance responded with "I'll give you a nut, if you get what I mean", LOL!

AKINOs music, especially the opening to "Oban Star Racers", is amazing!

On Wednesday I had Pepsi electric which was interesting, it reminds me of crystal Pepsi, which I unfortunately never had but at least I got to try Pepsi electric and I actually liked it also apparently it stained my glass blue.

Anyway talking about cola drinks, KA karibbean kola is finally available in my local shop again! YAY! But personally I don't like it as much as I use to, I think black grape is now my favorite flavor.

Well I saw a post saying MrBeast is the antichrist.

Here in the UK we write "mum" instead of "mom" and I've become too use to using "mom" now because of the Internet, LOL!

This is an understatement.

I had a really weird dream on Thursday/Friday night, I dreamed that the city I live near was completely flooded with dark blue water and the flood was so bad that only the tops of very tall buildings were poking out of the water, so everything pretty much looked like the ocean but with a few buildings poking out of the water, and yesterday(Friday/Saturday night) I think I had a prequel dream to it because I dreamed I was a teenager at school again and the teachers told everyone that a really bad storm, that would cause a flood, was heading our way so they told us all to go home and everyone literally started running home. Unfortunately I didn't get to see the end of the dream because I woke up...

I said "why are you here?" to my brother and he responded with "why are you here? Your supposed to be in heaven helping God", what is that supposed to mean, LOL!

Me and one of my friends were talking with just Google translate for 30 minutes, LOL!

Apparently you can now add notes to posts on Instagram, I don't really see the point but it's an interesting idea.

There were a lot of butterflies outside my bedroom window and I don't know why.

Apparently Microsoft (Windows) went down(?) on Friday, I heard about it after getting home from work on Friday so luckily it appears to have happened after/during work hours here(?) so my work place didn't get affected.

I saw this video in my notifications and I was like "Furries hacked Disney? I'm going to die if this is true, It's too funny!" and I watched it and yes apparently furries hacked Disney and how they did it was funny as fuck, LOL!

My pussy is magical, yes it does magic!

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished rewatching "Romeo x Juliet", which I would say is loosely based on the play because it's more focused on fantasy(which appears to be heavily based around spiritual/occult symbolism) and, which I honestly think is better than the play but personally I don't like the ending because they could have (slight spoiler:) finished it at episode 22 and have a happy ending instead of following the play and killing them both off in what I think was a stupid way because Romeo shouldn't have changed Juliets mind so she wouldn't sacrifice herself to save the county(or as they put it in the anime, the world, even though it was just the island) which lead to Romeo dying and Juliet ending up sacrificing herself anyway. Anyway the play itself is still amazing, even though I was forced to learn it at school for no reason, and has a slightly better ending also I think the anime might be in my top 10 anime as well because it's also amazing.


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Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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