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What LC thinks and stuff 277

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! I didn't expect to wake up to an attempted trump assassination anyway this week has been amazing as usual so lets get into it!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

So it isn't confirmed and there making up numbers, not a fucking surprise.

She literally works for Hamas!!!

So tell me how this isn't antisemitic and how it helped Palestine.

Random and funny stuff of the week:

Boiling hot showers/baths make me want to orgasm!

It's not stealing if it belongs to me!

Why would you want to be a liquid(?):

My brother: My state is liquid. I am a liquid.
Me: Imagine being a boring liquid. I'm a Bose–Einstein condensate!

I wonder how many chickens I've eaten in my life.

I put one of my books on top of my glass of watermelon flavored water, or as I call it WATERmelon, so nothing could get into the glass and now my book smells like watermelon!

Slide 5 was censored for "sensitive content" which is more sensitive than slide 2(which was the last picture in the "random stuff of the week" section in last weeks blog):

I walked into my house to my sister covering her foot with glue so she can peel it off. Maybe I should also do that.

Only 2 months? It would be nice if it was permanent and if I could choose the decoration myself.

"Some ordinary gamers" showed a windows 11 debloater in one of his recent videos so I was going to use it on Wednesday but windows needed updating when I turned on my computer so I had to leave it until Thursday. Seriously though, instead of updates, Microsoft should make windows better.

My brother said "Katie is a woman? I thought Katie was a man's name" and I can't stop laughing, LOL!

On Wednesday we had two mangos in the fridge and a few hours later a 3rd one appeared and on Thursday a 4th one appeared and we have no idea where the other two came from, LOL! This reminds me of the mangos in the bathroom incident which I am still not going to talk about and give context to, LOL!

The Japanese version of "You Raise Me Up", used for "Romeo x Juliet", is amazing!

She really is me!

My brother said that I'm a pony from MLP so my fiance said "my little pony, chubby and horny", LOL!

Sometimes when I want to post and the post is very short but slightly too long to fit in Instagram notes, I just remove the spaces in the sentence and capitalize the first letter in a word so I can fit it in and it's still readable. My brain is too big, LOL!

Pork and lamb minced meat spaghetti, I love being a non-religious Jew!

Literally me:

I had a dream of a place that I went to when I was a kid and now I need to find that place but I doubt I ever will  which is unfortunate but I'm still going to try and find it anyway!

"She talks out of her uterus", yes I do, LOL!

I love it!

I love salmon but I prefer it when it's raw rather than cooked also salmon skin tastes delicious!

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished rewatching "Claymore" and honestly I forgot how amazing it was as well and it might be in my top 10 anime but personally I'm disappointed by its ending and that it doesn't have another season. Anyway, coincidentally, it was exactly 9 years ago this week that I last watched it because I remembered watching it the week after my sister's birthday in 2015.

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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