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What LC thinks and stuff 268

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual and last weekend was extra long because, and I forgot to mention this last week, Monday was a bank holiday here in the UK! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Due to recent events I've become interested in (the evidence that was provided at) the Nuremberg trials so I've been watching documentaries about it. I watched, what I assume is, the first documentary about it which was made by the USSR in 1947 but, as expected, it was full of USSR propaganda, like Wikipedia said. Also, if I remember, Wikipedia also said that there was an English version so when I clicked the link I was expecting it to say "English version" but it said "Russian version", which isn't a problem for me since I'm half Russian and I was expecting the documentary to be in Russia in the first place, but it was pretty much entirely in English. The "Russian version", which isn't even in Russian, is age restricted and is uncensored so it was nice to see the dead bodies of Nazi leaders at the end but there is also a censored version of it on YouTube. There is also a documentary by the USA which was made around the same time but it apparently wasn't even released in the USA until 2016 when it was remastered. Anyway they were both good documentaries.

Anyway I'm going to repeat this, I don't care if he cuts off aid(!):

Anyway lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I didn't notice this until Monday night but I posted "I need my hair to look like this now!"(also I was supposed to post the rainbow hair video last Saturday but I forgot):

And about how "I was editing a paragraph, that I've finally added to my autobiography, and I noticed when I was editing it that for some reason my keyboard was suggesting an octopus creating a rainbow":

And I've made the joke my hair is tentacles before, because I sometimes get called an octopus which my keyboard is also saying now, so this was an interesting coincidence but my hair is tentacles that create rainbows‽

"Everything is political, even not being political" makes no fucking sense to me because how is not being political political? Also does that mean sex is political, what is the prime minister going to come to my house every night and watch me and my fiance have sex?

Our mom is British so(...):

My brother: Who owns the Russians?
Me: Mom.
My brother: Mom owns the Russians? Guess Britain has finally colonized Russia.

MeWe is giving dark mode out for free now whilst I brought it in 2019...

That's an interesting image to choose because I didn't know they were the Hitlers and to be honest I don't think they are, LOL! Anyway jokes aside, why do they always make anime girls, especially the ones from "K-on", Nazis? Just why(?)...

My mom just said "I'm sweating so much that my tits are turning into liquid and leaking out of my bra", LOL! Liquid titties, LOL!

On Thursday I was sitting at my desk for a few minutes completely confused because I have no idea what happened, I either sneezed, coughed or did both but I have no idea which one it was, LOL!

"Cookies and cream makes me cream", if I had a penis then same also (unrelated conversation:) maybe I shouldn't wish to have one, LOL(!):

Me: How the fuck did that hurt?
My brother: Because I have a fucking penis!

Last week I noticed that the Disney XD YouTube channel has been live streaming "Phineas and Ferb" and interestingly it's still live(!):

Well thats an interesting video, LOL!

Sexes, the plural for sex, is a palindrome and somehow I never noticed this. I love sex backwards and forwards, LOL!

This is a good series about string theory (part 3 is coming out soon) but I didn't expect him to use a movie version of Hitler saying "no" in German repeatedly during the video, LOL(!):

I noticed I posted too many sexual jokes yesterday, LOL!

The weather is starting to get hot so last night I had ice tea!

LC art/Art of LC:

New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished watching "Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko" which I was planning on dropping after the first 3 episodes because I didn't like them much at all but episode 4 and onwards were much better and I'm hoping they make a season 3.

  • Anyway I have decided I would take a break from isekai anime so I am rewatching anime, starting with "Code Geass" which I really wanted to start rewatching on Tuesday. I'm going to watch season 1 and then the movies inbetween season 1 and 2 and then I'm going to watch season 2 so I can watch it all in order. I might rewatch the 2018 movie but I don't know since I recently rewatched it but if I do then I might actually watch the movies which are a prequel to it and are an alternative version of the anime also the 2018 movie has a sequel, which actually started airing the day after I started rewatching the anime, which I completely forgot about, so I may as well watch the alternative version of the anime.


My next Instagram post on Wednesday is my 679th post and I discovered more gematria related to 679 and my name:

679=0:679=12:679=12679=211(=7+(12×17)):19=19(=7+(12×1)):(7+(12×7)=)91(=1991=33:11(=3311(=55:11)|(11((.)/(:))55=)11(:)33(=18(:)53(=37²+22²)=6(:)53(|356(=274(sum of divisors))(=630(sum of divisors and itself)))=413|314((=186(base 14))(=222(base 12))(=378(base 9))))((=693)=((103(=7+(12×8))×11=7×11) or (77×9)))))=((7(:)7(0)(th centered nonagonal(9) number)=19(:)7(0))(Shekhinah="([The presence of]) God [is] with us(Shekhinah)"))=(19:70=19:60+10=19:1+10=19+1:10=)20:10((=8:10(=8:1(0)=81=9²)=49(0)=7²)(=121(0)=11²))=44:1(0)(=441=21²)=56:10=3370

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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