Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual also this blog is really long because it took up 4 messages when the usual normally only takes up 2 anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
There not going to be happy about this, LOL!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
On Monday morning it (was) FUCKEN WIMDY!
The can of tuna I had said "dolphin safe" on the side of it, what does that exactly mean? Are you saying I was possibly eating dolphins before‽
There is nothing wrong with them(!):
Me: What's wrong with worshiping a space frog?
My sister: Yes, what is wrong with them?
This is why I don't normally add Hebrew into my explanations of the gematria because it either completely messes up the text and/or it does this where it literally makes it go from right to left instead of left to right(, LOL!):
As mentioned last week it made me think of "Game of War" and replaying it but I decided I would never play it again plus it has pretty much died so I have decided to play another game, which I use to play but never really got into, called "Goddess: Primal Chaos" which I am loving and am addicted to now, LOL! And apparently one of the characters I now own and that is protecting/guarding me is Satan... I didn't expect that and I don't know if I want that, LOL! Also I still love the fact that there is a character called "Lolita":
I was going to say I'm surprised I haven't seen any conspiracy theories about Peter Higgs death but I saw one. Also for anyone wondering why there is conspiracy theories about his death, it's because he theorized the Higgs Boson which was confirmed by CERN and he died on April 8th which was also the day CERN was doing one of there experiments which conspiracy theorists were going crazy about because that was the day of the eclipse. Also talking about that, yes this is what happened on April 8th, I can confirm!
I don't know if I mentioned this a few months ago but I had this vegan chilli with pasta and it was fucking amazing so for dinner on Tuesday, and since I'm not vegan, we mixed the vegan chilli with minced beef and had it with pasta and it was even more amazing but unfortunately I think it weaken the spiciness because it wasn't as spicy as before.
On Wednesday I updated MeWe and now it looks different again...
I won't be able to use this feature on this website, because my storage is full, but apparently you can now create AI generated images, I will probably test it on my research website though.
My brain tried giving me a nightmare on Thursday night, even though they don't even scare me, where I was on the main road that goes through where I live and it started getting really dark on one side of the road and the darkness was pretty much like a pitch black wall that was moving towards everyone and people were running away. Apparently the "wall" of darkness was literally made up of humanoid beings which had no features at all and were pretty much shadow people, because they were completely pitch black figures, that were running towards us so we hid in a building. My brain pretty much noticed that it didn't scare me so apparently it changed the dream to something that did scare me which was about me loosing my school tie and I couldn't find it so I was going to be late for school, LOL! After that it went back to being a more normal dream but I was at school reading books about antisemitic conspiracy theories and normally it's supposed to be impossible to read in dreams, for most people, but I was actually able to read, LOL! That was an interesting long weird dream.
I grew up with TV channels, but I didn't start watching TV much until I moved to the UK when I was 10 but I still didn't watch TV as much and when I did it was usually when my sisters were watching iCarly or when my brothers watched Jetix, so personally I like the idea of moving TV channels online (except for when BBC moved BBC three online) which has been happening a lot here in the UK recently (such as ITV X).
On Friday I probably shouldn't have eaten 4 of my fiances chocolate flavored protein pancakes for breakfast because they were really filling, but amazing, (like him if you get what I mean, LOL!) so I was still nearly full at lunch time so I ended up having tomato soup and a cheese toastie but the good thing about it was the fact that I forgot how plain tomato soup is fucking amazing!
I've been watching a lot of fantasy/Isekai anime recently, and probably will be for a while, and I think I noticed in two of them that the characters were eating bagels so I'm wondering, if there are bagels in a fantasy world then does that mean Jews or the equivalent of Jews exist in that fantasy world?
I've been thinking, I might actually hack my 3DS, I've been wanting to do it for a while and I may as well do it since most of the services on it are no longer working.
BGT was back on TV last night so I watched it!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I finished watching "BOFURI" which was amazing and based on the ending I assume they are possibly making a season 3 and I hope they are! And...
I then watched "Watashi, Nouryoku wa Heikinchi de tte Itta yo ne", which is, yet again, another long name so I'll use the shorter name "Noukin" and, which was good, it wasn't as good as I was expecting, but the story was amazing but unfortunately it ends right where the story gets really interesting so I was going to read the manga, since I doubt the anime will ever get a season 2, but unfortunately the manga website I am using doesn't even have the manga beyond what the anime adapted and I couldn't find any manga website that did so I can't continue the story...
I then watched "Kenja no Mago" which was amazing but unfortunately it ended without an actual conclusion and I'm hoping it actually gets a new season but honestly I doubt any of the anime I watch will ever get more than one season so I've decided that I will definitely start reading manga from now on as well and I already have some manga I wanted to read plus there are anime that I have watched that never got a new season so I want to check out there mangas as well. Anyway I am definitely going to read the "Kenja no Mago" manga also I love Oliver Schtroms voice because he was voiced by the same VA who voiced Sebastian from "Black Butler" and who I think voiced Toma from (one of) my favorite anime, "Genesis of Aquarion". Also Oliver Schtrom had a really sad backstory so I hope he doesn't get killed off but he most likely will...
Anyway I am now watching "Shijou Saikyou no Daimaou, Murabito A ni Tensei suru"!
Last Sunday I looked at the Hebrew gematria of the Hebrew word for "moon", because I posted spiritual memes about the mother/moon goddess, and interestingly I posted it along with the gematria of my name I posted last week and when I looked more into the gematria of the moon I found out that they were both connected in two ways so here is the (updated) gematria related to the moon:
Moon=218(Hebrew gematria)|812((=1680(sum of divisors))=679(base 11)(=834(base 9)|438))=13:32=1332(=base 1333=444 polygon)(=369+963)=base 1332=13((:)/(|))31(=mo(on)ther goddess)=1:31=91=13th triangle number. (1680 and 679 are (both numbers which are extremely connected to) God/Ein Sof and the 13th triangle number is used to construct the 14th hexagonal number which is 547 which is the gematria of my name!)
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!