Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazingly amazing as usual, up until this morning when I found out Iran has attacked Israel which could cause a massive war in the middle east which isn't something I wanted but if it does happen then I hope the government of Iran falls like Nazi Germany did. Also Israel wasn't the one who started this, which a lot of people are saying, it was Iran because Iran is literally the biggest funder of Hamas. Anyway lets move on from this and get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
Random and funny stuff of the week:
I dreamed that I put noodles on a bagel, I think my ancestors would be disappointed in me if I did that, LOL!
I've found a new AI generator that can produce NSFW images! (But it's limited to 5 a day...)
I wish I was born in America so I could have seen the solar eclipse since I've never seen a total solar eclipse, I've only seen partial ones and the last large partial eclipse was back in 2015 and the last total solar eclipse was back in 1999 but I didn't get to see it due to it being in the lower part of the UK. Anyway the next large partial eclipse will be in 2026 but I think the next total will be in 2090 which I'm probably not going to be alive for... So I may end up traveling to see a total eclipse one day.
Instagram use to only allow 10 slides on a post but recently I've seen 15 slide posts and now I've seen a 20 slide post!
Don't moan about a lot of meat, LOL(!):
Me: That's a lot of meat!
My friend: Don't MOAN about it!
Well fuck(,) nickelodeon. Anyway I came across this on a conspiracy theory account and wanted to try it out and it's somewhat true and the reason I say "somewhat" is because Google translate is questionable with translations so this probably isn't what it exactly translates to.
I put an entire block of butter on my crumpets on Thursday and now the only liquid in my body is butter! (For health and safety laws I have to say that this was a joke.)
Peter Higgs died on April 8th‽ That's really unfortunate but not a surprise since he was in his 90's... Anyway may he RIP.
Watching "BOFURI" has reminded me of when I use to play "Game of War Fire Age" 7 years ago but I stopped playing it because it got way too complicated since they were adding new features because people, like me, got way too powerful in the game (I was in the top 400 most powerful empires in 2017) but to get that powerful you had to spend a lot of money. Anyway I redownload it to check out my empire, after reading the reviews where apparently an old player had all three progress erased, and as expected it appears they did erase all the old accounts progress because my empire is now one of the weakest and apparently the current top most powerful empires aren't even close to being as powerful as I use to be 7 years ago.
I remember this amazing sunset, it looked better irl, also April 11th 2021 is the 3 year anniversary of my research (64tge8st) account on Instagram!
I've been watching this on loop, I love this!
The electric went out on Wednesday so my computer went off, which was annoying because I work from home on Wednesday, so obviously I turned it back on after the electric came back and it decided to update and on Thursday night when I turned it on after getting back from work it decided it needed updating again. Windows is annoying but I'll put up with it, LOL!
I got a letter about voting on the 2nd of May. I still don't see the point in voting since both parties literally support the same thing but I know the conservatives are most likely definitely going to lose after all the shit the UK has gone through for the past 14 years.
Send me nood(le)s!
LC art/Art of LC:
New (accurate) AI generated depiction(s) of me! It gave me short hair again...
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished "slime 300" which was amazing!
And I have started watching "Itai no wa lya nanode Bougyoryoku ni Kyokufuri Shitai to Omoimasu" which is another long name so I'll use the first part(?) of the English name "BOFURI"!
More gematria of my name(! Also I've talked about most of these numbers before and there is too much information about them to put here so sorry if you don't understand most of this anyway I doubt most people, if any, read these because they get really long and complicated like these(, LOL!)):
438(gematria of my name)=369(base 11)((((base 16)=873|378)((base 14)=681|186)((base 13)=594))(=546(sum of divisors))|963(=441(sum of divisors)=21²)=683(base 12))=306(base 11)
311(gematria of the first part of my last name)+113=424=1+2+4+8+53+106+212(sum of divisors)=386(|683(base 15)=1473(|3741=86th triangular number)=1+3+491(sum of divisors)=495(=441(sum of divisors)=21²)|594(=846(sum of divisors)=1516(base 8)(Hebrew gematria)=Third Temple(בית המקדש השלישי)), 495+594=(base 1090=)1089=33²=363(=11×33) polygon=165 polygon+198 polygon=495+594=base 496+base 595
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!