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What LC thinks and stuff 259

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual, other than the fact that my body decided to give me two nose bleeds on Tuesday and I was enjoying my day but luckily I didn't have another one also luckily I was off the next day so if I did then I didn't have to worry as much. Anyway Friday was (international) women's day so I said "WORSHIP WOMEN!!!" but I wish it was today because today is mothers day, here in the UK, so I could have said "WORSHIP WOMEN ESPECIALLY MOTHERS/MOMMIES/MILFS!!!", LOL! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

I shouldn't be laughing but a half, LOL!

May he RIP:

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I completely forgot I had this saved on my Instagram(also this conversation, in response to me posting it, which made me laugh, LOL!):

And it perfectly matches with the conversation I put in the description of my Sunday post that it was in: My ass is now a galaxy sized peach that is a goddess, LOL(!):

My fiance: [Miss] Peachy (his nickname for me)
My brother: Don't you mean Miss Galaxy because her ass is much bigger, it's the size of a galaxy.
My fiance: That would make more sense and would explain why gas makes stars.
My brother: Her galaxy ass makes stars therefore her ass is a god[dess] therefore she is the goddess of gyatt.
Me: Why can't it be a galaxy sized peach that is a goddess?
My brother: I would eat a galaxy sized peach.
My fiance: I get to eat that galaxy sized peach every night.
My friend: Who wouldn't eat that chubby ass, especially that chubby asshole?

MeWe has updated so posts now look like this and I love the new layout! Also I wanted to share this post but I didn't have anything to say, other than "I'll just leave this here", but I'll use it to also show the new layout:

Well it appears that tunnel bear realized they were giving me too much data because I use to have 40GB but now it's back down to 2GB, disappointing. Now I've got to make sure I don't use them all up when searching questionable things on the Internet, LOL!

I'll just leave this here, LOL(!):

Me during summer:

I didn't have anything to post on Wednesday but I was sorting out my pictures and I completely forgot to post about pancake day, February 13th, because I got my DNA results plus it was Valentine's Day the next day so I didn't get to post about it. Anyway I had peaches and chocolate syrup on my pancakes and it was fucking amazing also my fiance said that he would like to eat my peach on a pancake, LOL!

On Wednesday night I found out I could fit a whole digestive biscuit in my mouth, I did need to know that, LOL! Anyway I'm not surprised because I can fit bigger things in my mouth, LOL!

On Thursday I got way more views on my Instagram story than usual, I even saw people who haven't viewed my stories for years which was unexpected.

I was charging my phone but it was being really slow, to the point where it pretty much wasn't actually charging because it kept going down, so I moved the plug to the next plug socket and then it started charging fast. That makes no sense and I have no idea how that happened.

I nearly forgot that MatPats final theory was yesterday! So I watched it because I needed to since I started watching him in 2012/2013 anyway his final video was a game theory video about game theory also he mentioned the game show "golden balls" I remember watching that show, LOL!

I was watching a maths video and the person said "antisymmetric" but because of his accent it sounded like he said "antisemitic", LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

Two new (accurate) AI generated depiction of me! The second one is less accurate because I don't have short hair but for some reason it generated short hair even though the command asked for long brown hair.

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • Last Saturday night I finished "3D Kanojo: Real Girl", because I binge watched the last 8 episodes due to how episode 8 of season 2 ended, and it was fucking amazing and to be honest I think it's definitely one of my favorite anime now; The last few episodes were sad but luckily it had a happy ending. Also its similar to "Your lie in April" but personally I thought it was better and saying that might piss people off, LOL!

  • I then watched "Horimiya" which was amazing but I didn't like how they make it two seasons when they could have just made one bigger season also talking about that, I have been seeing a lot of anime which are only 12 episodes (per season) recently, they don't seem to make longer seasons much anymore which is disappointing.

  • Anyway yesterday night I start rewatching "K-on"

  • and I am then planning on rewatching "New game" after!

Anyway next Sundays blog post is the 260th blog which is officially 5 years since I started my blog also next Sunday is 730 days since me and my fiance got together and that is 365+365 so technically it is officially two years since we got together BUT next Sunday is the 17th of March and we started dating on the 19th so it technically isn't 2 years until two days later. Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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