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What LC thinks and stuff 257

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual but unfortunately I had to get up early on Thursday and Friday and I was really busy on those days because I had something really important to do at work; Also unfortunately I was blocked by two people on MeWe but I don't care about them anymore because there antisemites which I will get into soon! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

This is proof that it's not about "freeing Palestine":

As mentioned, yet again, I have been blocked by two people for exposing antisemitism and antisemitic propaganda because ironically they believe the antisemitic propaganda but as usual they will deny that it's antisemitic and that there antisemitic because what they say is the "truth" because an antisemitic stereotype is that us Jews are always lying. Anyway lets move on from this and get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

My brother just said "Who has PTSD after WW2? You do!" and I shouldn't be laughing but I fucked died because of the voice he said it in, LOL! Also he was calling someone and you know how your phone makes the beeping noises when making a call, well he put his phone in his mouth and closed it slightly every time it beeped and when it did the beep sounded really fucking weird. We couldn't stop laughing at how weird it sounded, LOL!

I did this on Instagram last week and thought it was interesting but I forgot to post it:

My brothers use to have these!

My Instagram story archive is working again, I can now see all of my past stories but I have no reason to now because I decided I wouldn't sort out my highlights the way I originally wanted to. Also talking about that, I need to sort them out because I never finished doing so.

On Wednesday MeWe failed:

I had these kinder bueno eggs, which were basically egg shaped Buenos and they were amazing(!), so before I ate them I said I'm going to be full of eggs and my fiance said to me "your already full of eggs so lets turn those ones into babies first", LOL!

My brother said I look like ice bear, from "We Bare Bears", because ice bear had loads of tennis balls in his mouth and I can fit loads of balls in my mouth. He then said I somewhat remind him of ice bear, LOL! (I'm pretty sure he said that before.)

Yes everyone can have some, LOL!

My brother downloaded the bluey game on Xbox so guess I'm going to play a new game, LOL!

I've been seeing rule 34 of Karen, from SpongeBob, and I'm not going to lie it looks good, LOL! At least it isn't (as) cursed as rule 34 of SpongeBob himself, LOL!

I waste my time watching these types of videos, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

I'm going back to posting the AI art depictions of me but I won't be posting one this week because I want to go back to posting normally on Instagram. Also talking about AI art, Spellai, the AI I've been using to create AI art depictions of myself, no longer allows you to make NSFW AI art...

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished watching "Trinity Seven" which was amazing but unfortunately it's ova and movies aren't dubbed and obviously the intended to continue the anime but I doubt it will ever have an actual continuation.

  • Anyway I also watched "Shomin Sample" and it was amazing!

  • Due to being busy on Thursday and Friday I was unable to watch anime for two nights because I've had to get up early but yesterday night I was finally able to watch anime again and I started watching "Renai Flops"!

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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