Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was fucking amazingly amazing, which I will get into in a bit, but apparently none of the images are loading in the HTML boxes in last weeks blog and apparently some in the previous blogs won't either because the "content isn't available" even though when I copy the link and paste it into discord and send it, it pops up with the image so the content is there. If this continues to happen from now on then I don't know how I'm going to show images on my blog, I may just have to hyperlink stuff, but it might be because the links have random letters, numbers and symbols at the end which I remove, because it didn't affect the image but it apparently does now(?), so I will keep them because it apparently loads with them. Anyway lets get into this week!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
Wednesday was Valentine's Day and my fiance got me a bunny onesie but it has a clip on tail, he should have got a bunny tail butt plug, LOL!
Anyway I'm surprised I could walk the next day because I was, obviously, wearing it that night and my fiance literally treated me like a bunny, if you get what I mean, LOL! Also I don't know if we broke one of the springs in the mattress because it appears to not be functioning correctly so I wouldn't be surprised if my fat ass broke it, LOL! It was also officially a year since we got engaged and Friday was 700 days since we got together!
Anyway, talking about me and my fiance, as mentioned last week my fiances MyHeritage DNA results arrived and on Tuesday mine finally arrived so here are mine and my fiances results:
I use to mention that I'm half British half Russian, though I haven't brought it up much recently, but that isn't entirely true because it's my nationality, in truth I am ethnically Jewish, which I didn't mention much in the past but I am now always mentioning, so I'm actually half British Jewish half Russian Jewish but I do have some British and Russian ancestry. I have also mentioned a few times in the past that I have Hungarian ancestry but I didn't bring it up as much because, as you can see, it's a small percentage and I also have indigenous Russian(Mongolian) ancestry which I think I've only brought up twice since I use to include it in the Russian part.
Anyway as for my fiance, Lloyd, his maternal grandmother was half Ethiopian Jewish, through her father, and half Mizrahi Jewish, through her mother, whilst his maternal grandfather was mixed Ethiopian Jewish and Mizrahi Jewish (for a few generations). His father is mixed Ethiopian Jewish and (central) African for generations.
Anyway that was the most amazing stuff of the week so lets get into the rest of the amazing week!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
Eating porn, LOL(!):
My friend: were having prawns for dinner tonight!
Me making a joke: YAY, WERE HAVING PORN TO EAT!
My friend: No we're not eating cock or pussy!
Me: Disappointing.
I found some old "Dinosaur King" cards that we use to get from the arcade game!
My fiance said "Sylvia's(me) ass smalls like peaches" and my friend's said "we can confirm", LOL!
My mom rang me, all my sisters and brothers up because, and she was joking, "someone stole her beetroot", LOL! She will never know but all my sisters and brothers know it was me, LOL! She is very protective of the beetroot because it's delicious so I understand but maybe she shouldn't have eaten it whilst she was pregnant with me because of that, I love it, LOL!
Well that was dark at first:
Brother 1: How many Asians can you annihilate? (Obviously talking sexually)
Sister: You do remember the nuke was built by Jewish physicists and we do have a physicist here so...
My brothers and sister: *looking at me*
Brother 1 and me: I/He was talking sexually!!!
Brother 2: Either way we know she can annihilate them.
Me: Definitely not with a nuke thought so not either way!
I was back down to having 343 followers on Instagram, so I wondering if all of my Instagram followers wanted to be put in a 7 by 7 by 7 cube.
Yesterday I watched a new Netflix documentary/film about Einstein called "Einstein and the bomb" and it was really interesting.
I have decided to mute the hentai accounts that spam my MeWe feed because there is too much hentai, LOL! Now it's much easier to go through my feed plus it's pretty much safe to open MeWe in public but I will never do that because of how fucked up MeWe is, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
This week I didn't post an AI art depiction of me on Sunday because I want to post a Valentine's Day version of my avatar which I posted on Wednesday(!):
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished watching "Kokoro Connect" which was fucking amazing but I thought the main characters would be switching bodies throughout all of the anime but the main season had three different things happen and the specials had one last thing anyway I there was no answers as to what/who heart seed was but from what they did I'd assume there an interdimensional being.
Anyway I also watched "Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo" which was amazing!
And now I'm watching "Trinity Seven"!
21st triangle number(1+2+3+...+21)=231, 21+21=42, 231×3=693|396(base 12)=546, (693(0)=)11(:)33|3311(=1+1+3+3|3+3+1+1)=8, 231+231=462(base 8)=3(:)06(=186)|6(:)03(=363=11×33)=1133(base 8)|(1²+2²+3³+...+21²=)3311(base 8)=1737=21²+36²≈12³, 1737+7371(added to its reverse)=9108=6930(base 11)=1²+2²+3³+...+27²=42nd decagonal number, 9108-8019(subtracted from its reverse)=1089=33²=693+396.
17th centered pentagonal number=(1+(5×(16th triangle number(1+2+3+...+16=136(base 12)=(3(:)06=)186|))))681=489(base 12)=603(base 9)|306(base 15)=681, 16th triangle number=6th centered nonagonal number=136|631=21st centered triangular number=397(base 13)(base 12)=547, 12th star number=396+397=546+547=14th star number.
New information about -1/12 and (theoretical) physics has been coming out this week so I will definitely be looking into it at some point. Anyway the comment that comes up in the comment section, if you know -1/12 then you know, LOL!
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!