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What LC thinks and stuff 254

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing, as usual, anyway I forgot to add a paragraph to the research section last week so I have added it to this weeks blog! Also this week I was thinking I might make my stories publicly on my public Instagram account again so I have! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Pro-Palestinians say "It didn't start on October 7th, go back 75 years", yes (we do) go back 75 years and before that to when the "Palestinian" Arabs repeatedly slaughtered there Jewish populations and increased the slaughters when Jews were escaping European antisemitism (which did lead to Jews attacking back) but then pro-Palestinians say that's "ZiOnIst PrOpAgAnDA", as proven by the response to this video, which shows that you actually don't care about the history, it shows you hate Jews.

Anyway this actually makes me happy!

Anyway, I've said anyway too much (LOL!) so, lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

Biblically accurate eyussy which grammarly thinks is inspirational, LOL!

I don't know how popular this video was but, if anyone saw it, does anyone remember the "Godzilla transformation" video where an anime girl turns into Zilla? I watched it back in the late 2000's(?)/Early 2010's and found a reupload of it (shown below(:)) but I can't find the original video but I did find an 11 year old video of someone recording the original. YouTube was a weird place back then, LOL!

That is definitely what I said, LOL(!):

Me: They don't deserve it.
My friend: Then let me rip your cervix out.
Me: What? No, I need that!
My friend: I thought you said you don't need a cervix.

This is something I seriously need to buy(!):

I cut myself with ice, dihydrogen monoxide is really dangerous like they said, LOL!

Ah yes, there is no Internet even though I'm connected to the Wi-Fi, tunnel bear.

I would love to have the Mikussiah own me!

My fiance brought me some thorntons hazelnut pearls and there amazing!

I don't know how many black pepper seasoned crackers I had for lunch on Thursday (I ate the entire box) but my mouth was on fire, LOL!

Smoking spaghetti:

Me: *lights an uncooked strand of spaghetti to burn it*
My friend: Are you going to smoke spaghetti again?
Me: Yes I am, LOL!

A spider was coming down from the ceiling, in the middle of the room, and I didn't even notice until I turned around and saw it was a few centimeters away from my face also it was literally a white spider so that was an interesting experience.

This week I found out pancake day is the day before Valentine's Day! That week will be amazing!

I have small boobs because I "commit sins", LOL(!):

My brother: Ladies first.
Me: Why?
My brother: Because who has boobs? Who has the biggest boobs out of the both of us?
Our mom: I have the biggest boobs in the house!
Me and my brother: Were not talking about your boobs, were talking about who has the biggest boobs out of the both of us.
One of our sisters talking to me: Your a Jew who commits sins so I have bigger boobs.

I have nothing to add so I'll just leave this here:

I decided to leave every discord server I don't use because I didn't use most of them and it's annoying getting tagged everyday. Now my discord is clean!

LC art/Art of LC:

I have created a lot of AI art of myself so I'm going to be sharing the non-NSFW ones, which are accurate depictions of me, over the next few(?) weeks.

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished watching "Maburaho" and I either watched or attempted to watch it right back when I started watching anime because I remember an episode and bits of episodes and honestly it felt slightly familiar but honestly I don't remember because I didn't remember most of the anime and I straight up forgot about it's existence anyway it was good but personally I didn't like it much.

  • Anyway I am now watching "Show By Rock!"!


Ein(=7(:)1(:)1(Hebrew Soffits gematria)(=reduced repeating hexagonal/flower of life(fol) sequence=fractal seed of life(sol)(which)=(the)fractal torus(when it's sequence is extended to the negative numbers which doubles the sol/fol(the torus as the center circle of the seed of life=21/22 circles))(which forms))) Sof(=1577(gematria)(=168(0)(sum of divisors)=(the)168(=84×2) roots(vesica piscis) of E8(which is a torus(doubled fol))(8D)=Dodecahedron(120 cell(=120(=15th triangle number=8th tetrahedral number((3D)=8th triangle number(2D)=36(th triangle number=666))) dodecahedrons)) constructed out of trees of life(4D)=64 tetrahedron grid(3D)(contained within the fol which is made up of 84 vesica piscis))) Aur(=1784(gematria)((=1+2+4+8+223+446+892(=1577-1=1576)+1784)=336(0)(sum of divisors)=168(0)+168(0)(=1577+1577=3154=5040(sum of divisors)=7!(=1×2×3×4×5×6×7(=7×8×9×10))=336(0)+168(0)=3×168(0))))((=)Infinity=fractal)(84, 168(169(=13²)) and 336(337) are all formed out of 7 which are all formed out of/equal to the fol(7(,(:))1(,(:))1(sequence)) which is also formed out of/equal to 7)=8th star number(2D)(336+1=337)=8th star tetrahedral number(3D)=15th tetrahedral number(8th octahedral number(344=1+7³)+(7th tetrahedral number(84(+1=cosmic tetractys=cosmic tree of life))×4(=336)))((3D)=15th triangle number(2D))×2

Anyway I thank you for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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