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What LC thinks and stuff 253

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual also todays blog is the 22nd triangle number(! YAY!) so I did some research into the 231 gates and the 22nd triangle number this week anyway that will be in the research section of the blog so lets move onto this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Fuck South Africa.

Anyway the good news is that they haven't called for a ceasefire.

Also this is a good explanation of the ruling and there is more good news, they are actually sorting out the UNRWA now!

Anyway lets move on from this and get into the week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

"Then tell your god to come so they can fuck me in every opening imaginable because I don't care" sounds like something I would say also if you know where this line is from then you know, LOL!

This is all I need, LOL!

Biblically accurate eyussy:

I was transferring 12000 files and one, just one, got corrupted so now it's 11999 files... I hate how it did that.

I randomly remembered one of the times me and my friends came back to my house, after going for a walk through the woods, and we found out there was a hot wheels tv show on cartoon network which my younger brothers use to watch. This was around the late 2000's/early 2010's so it was easy to find the show and it was called "Hot Wheels Battle Force 5". I still can't believe they actually made a cartoon about hot wheels.

This week I watched the bee movie BUT it was the entire bee movie condensed into a gif, LOL!

I got a chocolate orange and it was the "exploding candy" version which is basically chocolate with popping candy in it, which is my favorite type of chocolate, so my mouth was popping all afternoon, LOL! So I got more explosions in my mouth this week than usual, if you get what I mean, LOL!

Also thats probably why Instagram brought up the reel in my feed but I don't exactly know how it knows I had mandarins this week, LOL! Probably just a (creepy) coincidence.

My brother brought a Polish (the country) strawberry soda:

Me: Oh it's strawberry flavored!
My brother: No, it's Polish flavored.
Me: It tastes Polish as well!
My brother: What.

I love the "YAHWEH" part, LOL!

My mom brought a big bag of fish, which fills up an entire draw in her freezer because she is addicted to fish, same, LOL!

I was sitting at my desk thinking so I wasn't focusing on anything and looking at the white wall and because my eyes weren't focusing I started seeing things that looked like twinkling particles which were moving around and it looked amazing so I can't stop unfocusing now, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

As mentioned last week I've been using AI to create (NSFW) art of myself, here are two non-NSFW pieces! Also they are quite accurate depictions (not including the clothing obviously, LOL!)

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished watching "Maken-Ki" which was amazing, at least the first season was but the second season wasn't as good. It had a lot, and I mean a lot, of fan service and nudity and talking about that, the second OVA of season one was really close to being hentai anyway the teddy bear from the 7th episode of season two was fucking amazing and the 8th episode of season two was pretty much a Hitler parody, LOL! Some of the characters, and themes to be honest, reminded me of "Aquarion Evol" also the anime overall reminded me of "Absolute duo" and and somewhat of "High school dxd". A great line from the anime is "I am a flesh ball of pain", LOL!

  • Anyway I am now watching "Maburaho"!


As mentioned at the beginning of the blog I have been doing research into the 231 gates (Kabbalah) again so I've been looking at the numbers 21 and 22 and on Friday I found out that this year, 2024, is actually the 22nd tetrahedral number also, I don't think this is a coincidence but, yesterday was also the 680th day since me and my fiance got together, and 680 is the 15th tetrahedral number, so Friday was 679 days we've been together and on Friday I also found out some interesting things about 679:

19th triangle number(=10×19=190(=21st triangle number(=1+2+3+...+21)/7th octahedral number(=1²+2²+3²+4²+5²+6²+7²+6²+5²+4²+3²+2²+1²)=231(base 9))(|(0)91=13th triangle number)=7th centered nonagonal number((9×6th triangle number)+1))×2=7th star number(7th hexagonal number((6×6th triangle number(1+2+3+4+5+6=21))+1)+(6×6th triangle number))=253=22nd triangle number=9th centered heptagonal number((7×8th triangle number(36))+1)=8th centered nonagonal number((9×7th triangle number(28))+1).

7th star number(2D)=7th star tetrahedral number(3D)(7th octahedral number+(8×6th tetrahedral number(3D 6th triangle number)))(=13th tetrahedral number(3D 13th triangle number(=91 trees of life=the cosmic tree of life))×2)=15th tetrahedral number-1=679(=((The tree of life+Da'at)((Emanations of) YHWH))+Ein Sof Aur)|976=16×61=16th decagonal number=26th centered triangle number, 26=YHWH(tetragrammaton).

Ein Sof Aur(=168(169)/336(337)=8th star number(8th hexagonal number((6×7th triangle number)+1)+(6×7th triangle number))=22nd triangle number×2)—(becomes)→YHWH(679|976)—(and forms the)→231 gates(((Placing the) 22 Hebrew letters(22 pathways of the tree of life) (in a circle and joining one letter to all the other letters forms 21 lines, doing this for all the letters we get 22×21=462(231(19th triangle number in base 9)×2) lines divided by 2) form(s) the 231 gates(231 combinations))=(Base 22(=253(corresponds to base 10))=21(=231(corresponds to [base] 9)))).

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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