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What LC thinks and stuff 249 + Christmas and New Year!

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! It's the last day of the year, YAY! And it hasn't been a week since Christmas yet but it feels like it was ages ago anyway I hope you all had an amazing Christmas so lets get into what I got for Christmas:

  • I got a load of reeses chocolate, as usual.

  • A new desk fan which is actually quite big.

  • An infinity dodecahedron lamp(video).

  • Two new 600ml glass cups and a load of KA karibbean kola, which if you don't know is my favorite soda and in my opinion the best soda in existence (I have orgasms when I drink it, LOL)!

  • One of my sisters got me and my fiance a myheritage DNA test kit. I don't know why she wanted me to do one, because she did one herself and had one of our other sisters do one plus she has done the family tree and we already knew the family history, but I did it anyway because I thought it would be interesting. We also already know some of my fiances family tree/history. Anyway I guess my sister has now stolen my DNA, LOL!

  • And finally I now have Discord nitro again, because I use Opera GX, and I boosted my discord server with it again! Imagine using a different browser. Anyway I guess this was an extra Christmas present!

Anyway I also want to thank everyone who decorated my online Christmas tree and I want to thank you for your amazing messages also talking about decorations, either today or Monday we will be taking down the decorations which is unfortunate anyway lets get into this last week of the year!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

Monday was Christmas so I don't have anything to post about the day because its all above also I don't have anything to post about Tuesday because nothing really happened because I was watching anime movies all day and an entire Netflix series, LOL! Anyway on Wednesday we had a maltesers cake and it was pretty much a giant malteser and it was fucking amazing!

Yes I am quantum!

On Thursday I had an amazing dream, I dreamed that it was nighttime and I could see all the stars, the moon was out and the horizon, and around the moon, the sky was a pinkish colour (it kind of looked like the northern lights).

I didn't see any (humanoid) reindeer porn at all this Christmas until Thursday... I'm actually surprised no one posted any until then, LOL!

Threads added a nice animation at the top, near the logo, which is snow falling.

I don't know why but Arabic accounts keep following me on Threads and, the ones that talk about Israel and Palestine, demonize Israel which is ironic because my bio clearly states I'm a Jew and my pinned thread debunks the shit they say about Israel, LOL!

Butter, LOL(!):

My friend: Why does the bathroom smell like butter?
Me: Because I pee butter now!

Something I need, LOL(!):

He finally got hacked by North Korea, LOL!

Instagram is really trying to get me to buy this stuff even though I already have very similar types of "clothing", if you can call it that, LOL!

Which one do you think? (full video)

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • As mentioned, on Tuesday I watched a lot of anime movies and a Netflix series: First I watched "Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo"

  • then I watched "Summer Wars"

  • and finally I watched "Suzume no Tojimari" and all three of them were amazing!

  • And I then watched all of "Scott Pilgrim Takes Off" which I loved.

  • Anyway I have been rewatch "carole and tuesday" even though I only rewatched it a few months ago (I think 10) and tonight I will be finishing it.

Anyway 2023 was mostly an amazing year, especially because I got engaged, and it was way more amazing than 2021 and 2022. But unfortunately the last 3 months were ruined because of what happened on and after October 7th which personally hurt me more than what happened last year with Russia and Ukraine because I am Jewish; The exact same thing happened at the end of 2022 because antisemitism increased but it wasn't as bad as the last 3 months of 2023 so honestly I am hoping that everything is exposed and antisemitism decreases in 2024. Anyway hopefully 2024 will be amazing so happy new year, I hope you all have an amazing year, and I thank you for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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