Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing as usual and, like last week, there isn't really anything to say at the beginning of the post which is surprising anyway its one more week until Christmas and two more weeks until the new year, YAY! Anyway lets get into this week!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
They changed the layout of the posting section on Instagram and honestly I think it looks better like this!
The best thing about Sunday nights is the bed has been changed so it feels really clean when I get into it and I love it!
I think my brother is really angry because he just said "If I see another 'pro-palestinian' saying there not antisemitic when they vandalize a menorah, I'm going to vandalize there mom if you know what I mean", LOL! Also an ad for visiting Qatar came up on YouTube and he shouted "NO I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO GO TO QATAR, I WOULD RATHER GO TO ISRAEL!" and honestly same. Fuck Qatar the terrorist supporting and hosting state.
I feel like I'm going to be on a watch list now.
On Tuesday I ate too many sweet potato chips but they taste fucking amazing!
I don't know how many people watched it but I randomly remembered the Minecraft series "Voltz wars" on YouTube. I use to watch it 10 years ago and I should seriously check it out again because I loved it. I don't remember what happened with it after season 4 because I'm pretty sure they attempted to continue it but never did but I don't know.
This week's episode of "Rick and Morty", just like last week's, was amazing! I posted about it on Wednesday because they nicely put a Kabbalistic tree of life in there so obviously I had to post about it!
Threads wasn't available in Europe until Thursday(?) but was available here in the UK when it came out? That makes no sense but I assume it's because of the EU.
Mark made his final glitter bomb (again).
I was going through my screenshots and found this. Honestly I would love to create one but I don't need to because I am one, LOL!
In the new Instagram update, it looks like they integrated messages with messenger more, they added themes to messages now. I chose the Hanukkah one because Hanukkah ended on Friday. Anyway I like this update a lot also they added a record option to notes so now you can add videos to notes.
I found out that Rick Astley will be doing the music performance before and after the fireworks on New Year's Eve/Day so I might watch it because I want to see if he rick rolls us by saying 2023 isn't ending and then singing "never gonna give you up", LOL!
My mom brought a gaming chair for my brother and I tried it out and I said that it's too small, because for my fat ass it was (LOL!), and my mom said "yes it's because you need a bigger one for your fat ass" and my brother (the one who is getting the chair) said to me "she[mom] called you a gyatt master", what ever that means, LOL!
Yesterday morning someone put a load of middle finger emojis on my comments on a post and then blocked me. I don't think I know them and I don't know why they did it but honestly I don't care so fuck you as well, who ever you are, LOL!
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
Anime(Manga) and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished "Code:Realize - Sousei no Himegimi" which was amazing but it apparently has an OVA but I can't find it on the websites I use to watch anime which is weird.
I am now watching "Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo" which currently only has its first two seasons dubbed so hopefully they dub the third soon.
On Tuesday after "Rick and Morty" finished, I found out that "Your name" was going to be on Film 4 on Thursday at 11pm and I have been wanting to rewatch it so I watched it!
This blog is going to be late because I spent most of today writing the paragraphs for this diagram:
Anyway back in March I talked about this but I haven't posted it on my accounts yet but I will be posting it tomorrow since its near the end of the year and I thought I may as well post it (also I will be posting it with the above diagram which was originally meant for my personal accounts so there won't be a picture of my anime avatar next week), I did mention it in one of my blogs back then though:
I haven't really been researching much and to be honest I haven't for the past two years since life has been really busy. I love to research and would love to get back into it but I just don't feel like I can (fully), I want to do it but I also feel like I don't want to and that I want to move on from it so I'm planning on moving on from researching since I just want to live life. But I will probably create some content every now and then but honestly I doubt I'll be posting much ever again so it's most likely going to be rare to see me post. Anyway I do want to thank everyone who has looked at my research over the past 6 years(7 next month), I love you all and I hope you all stay amazing and continue your amazing research!
At the moment I do have one final diagram which I haven't finished yet, and which is actually a few years old, and I still need to update the wiki so I will be finishing them off but other than that, I will be concluding my research.
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!