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What LC thinks and stuff 244

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week has been amazing as usual also it was my fiances birthday on Tuesday so lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Do you want to know how traumatized I am by last month (specifically October 7th)? Every time I see "10/7" I am retraumatized...

Ah yes, it's "not antisemitism" it's "condemning Israel".

Also people, as usual, have been trying to say us (Ashkenazi) Jews aren't descendants of the Jews in ancient Israel and that Jews aren't descendants of the Canaanites because it says we "destroyed them" in the Bible but the truth is, we are descendants of the Jews in ancient Israel and we are descendants of the Canaanites, which have both been genetically proven. (The post I talked about at the beginning in the picture on the left is in the picture on the right.)

Anyway in better news, I've had to update my websites because both the Instagram apps stopped working on them but there back to normal but I noticed that the one on this website doesn't show the collaboration posts which is disappointing and doesn't make sense because it showed them last year. Anyway I also removed the deviant art app from both of my websites as it no longer exists and what's more unfortunate about it is that they haven't added a new deviant art app so I can't show my geometric art on either of them anymore anyway I no longer really make any geometric art since I no longer create diagrams for my research. Anyway lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I posted my 103rd post, on my public personal Instagram account, 103 is a very important number to me because it relates to 1133 and the gematria of my name(!): 103=10+93=1093(547(gematria of my name)+546)=10:93(=10:1(60)+33=10+1:33)=11:33=1133=1030+103=103×11.

I don't know why but my friend showed me a tiktok of a 3D animation of circumcision and then showed me one of an elephants penis, which was massive, and I couldn't stop laughing, LOL!

Kingdom was, clearly, named after kings so why aren't they named Queendoms when the monarch is a queen? Also "Queendom" sounds like a fetish and honestly I wouldn't mind being dominated by a queen or being a queen dominating someone, LOL!

I don't remember my dream much at all but early Tuesday morning I dreamed that I was on my phone and I woke up pretending that I was on my phone, LOL! Apparently I also turned around in bed so my fat ass was in my fiance's face but I couldn't be bothered to turn back around so I fell back to sleep so my fiance got an extra birthday present, LOL! Also as mentioned, it was his birthday also it was 613 days since me and him got together and it was the 21st. 21(=231 gates) and 613(6:13=18:13=1093) are important numbers in Judaism/Kabbalah and they are also related to the gematria of my name.

My Spotify playlist tried to Rick roll me but I noticed before the song came on and honestly the Japanese version sounds nice!

These biscuits were fucking amazing! They were very delicious!

Thursday was fun. Apparently my lab report didn't save on Tuesday and I couldn't recover it, which I can normally do, so I had to rewrite a lot of it but luckily I remember most of it so it didn't take long to rewrite.

My brother said he is a "registered sex blender", what ever the fuck that means also I couldn't stop laughing, LOL!

I don't know why but the bottom part of both of my index fingers were hurting all Friday. I am getting closer to removing all my limbs.

What the fuck is this cursed shit? Why is this even a thing? Just why? This literally needs burning.

Apparently the "Doctor who" specials, which started airing yesterday, won't be on Disney plus here in the UK so unfortunately I have to use BBC iPlayer to watch them...

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime(Manga) and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • Last Saturday I finished watching "Renai Boukun" which was amazing! I completely forgot to update the sentence about it last week though so I didn't say I finished it in the last blog.

  • Anyway on Sunday I started watching "Binbougami ga!" and finished it and it was amazing and at the end of the final episode they said "season 2 will come out someday" and honestly I hope it does but it's been a few years so I doubt it.

  • Also I found out the last 4 episodes of "NieR:Automata Ver1.1 a" were finally dubbed and released recently so I watched them on Wednesday so I finally finished it all and I loved it also it had a very interesting ending!

  • I then watched "Megami-ryou no Ryoubo-kun" which was amazing, and questionable (at some points) if you know what I mean (LOL), but unfortunately it only had 10 episodes so it was shorter than usual but I hope one day there will be another season!

  • And last night I started watching "Sunohara-sou no Kanrinin-san"!

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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