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What LC thinks and stuff 241

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Today is bonfire night, here in the UK, so yesterday night we went out to see fireworks also talking about fireworks, people have literally been setting fireworks off during the day, they should do it at night like most people would, and I just heard one, LOL! Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Another reason to never go back to Russia.

I never thought I would be saying this but one good thing that came out of what happened to me in 2012 was the fact that I moved to more of an isolated place because wow has the antisemitism over the past few weeks gotten really fucking bad here in the UK and globally overall; Luckily my friend takes me to work and my work is also in an isolated place so I only have to go through the city a little bit. (Quoting a Jewish Instagram account here) October 2023 really is May 2021 on steroids for us Jews.

People really are the same as they were before and during WW2.

For example, they said I wasn't the real friend, LOL!

Anyway lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I have officially posted 100 posts on my public personal Instagram (lc_cherubim) now! Anyway this is somewhat unrelated but it is one of the memes in said post, LOL(!):

Last Saturday I had a brand of tea which tasted like curry and on Sunday night I had my normal green tea but I added honey, it was a different brand of honey from what I usually use, and it ended up tasting like noodles, which was weird, so I'm wondering if I mix them together would it taste like curry noodles.

I was listening to Spotify and I got an ad for the Christmas playlist. I don't want to hear Christmas music at the end of October, it's too early!

A normal conversation with my friends, LOL(!):

Me: Are you feeling down?
My friend: No. Why are you asking?
Me: Because if your feeling down *grabs my pussy*, just feel up *grabs my tits*.

Guess I have a lot of personality!

I got to leave work early on Tuesday and I walked into my house and found out my brother was here because I heard him shout "shut up you lesbian" so I responded, by shouting, "You shut up you lesbian" and he said "ladies first", LOL!

Me and my friends made toffee for toffee apples and my sister asked "what's this", pointing to the toffee, so I said "toffee" and she then said "toffee your ass" and my brother said "do you want to know what else is toffee? Our mom. Oh wait they are the same thing, never mind.", LOL! (My brothers and sisters still keep saying I'm our mom.)

Here in the UK "Lays" are known as "Walkers", there pretty much the same company but have different brand names for different countries, so I've never actually had Lays but I finally had the chance to eat some and they taste very different and to be honest I didn't like them much but they were good.

So playdough food was a thing and now you can make fake food out of slime which I saw an ad for. I would love to eat slime food.

I was called out, LOL! (obviously this is a joke):

My sister said "if I see another person do a Nazi salute I'll nibble there fingers off", LOL!

The ending of episode 4 of season 2 of "Loki", which I forgot to mention last week, was an amazing cliffhanger but I didn't like episode 5's cliffhanger because honestly it wasn't as good.

Bulletproof wood!

I had three sandwiches and, instead of having green tea, I had vegetable soup which was fucking amazing, I think it's the best soup I have ever had.

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture(s)!

Anime and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I watched the (new) special episode of "Helluva boss" which, as usual, was amazing!

  • My favorite line from this week's episode of "Rick and Morty", which I can't get out of my head, is (spoiler) the one where Rick calls a scientologist a space mormon, LOL!

  • I have now finished rewatching "Rosario + Vampire" and "High School of the Dead" and honestly I am now thinking about reading the "High School of the Dead" manga because we've been waiting for a second season but I doubt it will ever be made.

  • Anyway I am now watching "Is This a Zombie?" which is another anime I attempted to watch 10 years ago but never finished and I don't remember why.

Anyway I didn't feel like I blurred my face enough in the picture, of myself, I posted on the 20th of August so I blurred it more so I have reposted it. Anyway this blog is later than usual because Wix blog hasn't been working today but I have finally finished the blog anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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