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What LC thinks and stuff 239

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was much better than last week, for me, and I think I'm nearly back to normal but the news just keeps getting more disturbing anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Last Sunday I got up early because I really want to finish this new debunking of gnostic alchemy which I was writing for 2 nights and most of Sunday.

That was a lot to go through and she is still posting this bs but I decided I would stop debunking her as I mentioned in this weeks Wednesday post (which was different) where I decided I would finally make a response to what happened in Israel (which I also shortened and added to my autobiography) since I feel much better than last week.

I didn't know that "Jews forced to be in power" was a conspiracy theory, showing how obscure it is compared to the opposite conspiracy theory which is very big and popular, but I did come to a similar conclusion based on the fact that Jews were forced into certain jobs because people thought these jobs, such as banking, were "dirty" and because they persecuted Jews to the point where they could only do these jobs; The people that are actually in power did this to put the blame on Jews so people would attack us. This was in Wendigoon's, 9 hour 30 minutes, conspiracy theory iceberg video and was pretty much near the bottom of the iceberg compared the the opposite conspiracy theory which was right at the top but he didn't mention either of them. Anyway I guess I'm an "Interdimensional Jewish Monk, or to be more precise "Interdimensional Jewish Nun" since I'm female, which I've been thinking maybe I should change my online name to since my online name, since 2015/2016, has been "Dimensional consciousness" so it would make sense, LOL!

Anyway lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

Yes I have a similar response, LOL!

For Halloween I'll be a slutty goth milf witch, LOL!

Instagram knows I am a Jewish woman between the age range 18-32 and I said "Yes I am, Instagram, but no I don't need that from Instagram so stop stalking me", LOL!

On Tuesday morning my body was being annoying because my muscles, especially the ones on the right side of my body, which isn't a surprise because that's the side of my body that always has problems, were hurting but luckily the pain was gone after a few hours.

This week MeWe updated and now the notification boxes are darker also translate is a new feature. I actually like this!

Also whilst I was scrolling through my MeWe feed, which usually has a lot of hentai in it, I saw, what I would say, is one of the most cursed hentai pictures, even more cursed than the AI hentai I made. It was a clown girl and she basically treated a dick like a balloon and pretty much made a dick animal... LOL! Even though I don't have a dick I felt the pain, LOL!

This will always be one of my favorite memes! LOL!

It really is my favorite version, LOL!

Apparently "wet" is now the "law".

It really is accurate:

Either I can paint my ass to look like a pumpkin or I get pumpkin (themed/print) knickers so my fiance can smash my pumpkin. In my opinion paint would be too messy so...

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I have finished watching "Urusei Yatsura (2022)" which I loved and luckily they mentioned right at the end of the last episode that season 2 will be coming out next year so I don't have to question if it was going to have another season.

  • I also watched "Asobi ni lku yo!", which I actually did attempt to watch back when I first started watching anime, probably around 10 years ago to be accurate, but I don't remember why I never finished it and if I did then it would have become one of my top 5 anime, anyway it was amazing!

  • I also finished part 2 of season 2 of "Hataraku Maou-sama!!" which was also amazing!

  • Anyway I am now watching "Kämpfer"!

  • The new season of "Rick and Morty" started airing on E4, in the UK, on Tuesday so obviously I watched it!

  • I also watched the new episode of "Miraculous ladybug", on Disney plus, and it was fucking amazing! Marinette/Ladybug and Gabriel/Monarch(Hawk Moth) now know each other's identities! I seriously cannot wait for the next two episodes!

Whilst I was writing this blog I noticed, for Halloween I could be an Interdimensional Jewish slutty goth milf witch, who wears pumpkin (themed/print) underwear, disguised as a nun, LOL! Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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