Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! Today is the first day of October! YAY! Anyway this week was amazing, as usual, so lets get into it!
Just want to say this before I get into the week:
Oh great, she wants to fight the weaponization of antisemitism! Oh wait, I forgot she is racist antisemitic lying (therefore sinful) Christian Nazi who wants to weaponize antisemitism...
Anyway lets get onto this week!
Random and funny stuff of the week:
I found out he made an updated version of the diagram of the evolution of religions! I love this new version!
I thought I would colour the text in my daily update stories to make it easier to read them.
I need to buy it!
I had a dream that my family (through the business/company we own) brought my favorite theme park and honestly if we did own it I would fucking love it more! It could have happened back in 2014 when it went into administration but since the company isn't exactly involved in entertainment it wouldn't have happened but at least another company brought it so it stayed open.
I have started sorting out the people I am following, on MeWe, by unfollowing inactive dead accounts but... I came across an account who's last post, which was in 2019, literally said they had cut themselves and that they were going to attempt suicide... I honestly don't know what to say about this, I just hope they didn't.
This week I got a notification for the trailer of the 60th anniversary special of "Doctor who" on YouTube so I decided to watch it and it looks really fucking interesting also David Tennant is back and Neil Patrick Harris is in it! I haven't watched "Doctor who" much since the 50th anniversary special but it looks like I definitely have to watch it this year!
So I found out that the new episodes of "Ahsoka" don't actually come out on Tuesday, here in the UK, they actually come out at 2am on Wednesday which is an hour after I go to bed which is annoying. Anyway at least they come out on the same day that the new episodes of "Miraculous ladybug" do so I get to watch them both on Wednesday.
Apparently George R. R. Martin wrote me. MMM.
On Tuesday I saw this image and I still can't stop laughing at it, every time I've looked at it I laughed, I've pretty much stopped breathing because I was laughing for so long, LOL! Anyway since the cats are telling us to have sex, who wants to be a lesbian with me, LOL!
Apparently it's become a meme that people, specifically men, think about the Roman empire daily, don't think it makes you special, us Jews have been thinking about the Roman empire, for 2000 years, ever since they colonized us and kicked us out of our country! (I saw a Jewish meme that said this so I thought I would bring it up, LOL!)
I'm me but more? MMM.
I died watching this, LOL!
It's me!
On Friday I reached 5K posts on MeWe! I don't know which one it was though but it was definitely one of the two posts before I posted that I now have 5K posts.
If you don't remember, which I assume most people won't, one of the fridges in my house is literally overpowered and freezes everything, that is put in it, even though it's a fridge. Anyway I put lemonade in there and it didn't freeze so I tapped it, to see if it instantly froze like in that "childrens" experiment, but it didn't freeze so I opened it and it started to freeze. I was expecting it to instantly freeze since that happens, sometimes, when something doesn't freeze in that fridge.
If portal was more of a horror game, kind of like this, it would be amazing!
LC art/Art of LC:
New picture!
Anime and cartoons:
This week I have started/finished watching:
I have finished "Hyperdimension Neptunia" which was amazing, I loved it! But what the fuck was episode 7? What the fuck was that? An eggplant fetish? LOL! That was literally one of the weirdest things I watched.
I am now rewatch "Heavens lost property" because I haven't watched it for a few years and the final movie, which literally came out nearly 10 years ago, was finally dubbed meaning I can complete the whole anime! Also I know the movie is going to be bad because the last 3 episodes of season 2, the first movie and the second (final) movie completely changed the story and messed it up so I am finally going to have to finish the manga at some point soon because I need to actually know what the exact ending is.
The past two episodes of "Miraculous ladybug" have been really interesting and fucking amazing, what Chloe and Lila did in last week's episode was just fucked up but at least they were both finally caught but what they did in this week's episode has made the plot very interesting so I seriously can't wait for next week's episode!
Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!