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What LC thinks and stuff 233 + My birthday!

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! THIS WEEK WAS MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY!!! YAY!!! And as usual I was really busy! Anyway for my birthday I got a new Google Pixel phone and some new headphones, my friend gave me some California spicy sushi, I went out with my friends and had a really big burger and my friend made pastries for my birthday!

Anyway I had an amazing birthday so lets get into the res of this amazing week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

I use to like Twitter and Elon but honestly, they have become really disappointing and, fuck both of them, I hate them now and I have decided I will never use Twitter ever again, and to piss of Elon I have decided I will be one of those people who officially moves to threads which I pretty much already decided this week because I've started using it daily.

The reason I am saying this is because he wants to ban the ADL which is literally equivalent to this:

Anyway lets move onto this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

On Sunday I usually post my (anime) avatar but I had a birthday one which I posted on my birthday so I didn't post my avatar on Sunday but I found my cosmic pussy so I posted that, LOL!

Unfortunately I had an infected toe again... My body is like "I'll stop giving you infections in your fingers and toes for a while and give you a good immune system for a while" and then "Here you go, I'll let you get infected in your fingers and toes" whilst I'm like to my body "You are literally bringing me closer to cutting off all my limbs every month".

The weather this summer, here in the UK, has pretty much been shit but now until the end of summer, which is around September 22nd, and through autumn were getting a heat wave so this week it was hot so I said that I am going to sit on top of the fan (we have one of those big tower fans) and obviously my brother took it out of context and said "So your going to blow your insides" and my fiance responded by saying "I do that to her every night", LOL! Anyway the weather is completely fucked up... But at least it was hot on my birthday!

Also, because the weather was hot, for the past 6 nights I've been sleeping nude and I realized that my dreams seem more real when I sleep nude, which is interesting and weird, and one of the dreams I had was really weird and was about having a test and the test was eating a Sunday dinner and I had to eat it on time but I didn't so I cheated by continuing to eat it after the time was up, LOL!

Yes I, a Jewish person, am definitely going to accept a follow requests from a Nazi account with a name like this:

Also they requested to follow me again, LOL!

There is nothing to add.

Also talking about Shrek, this is very unfortunate.

At some point recently, I don't know when, I reached 4.9K posts, on MeWe, but I didn't notice so I definitely have to make sure I don't miss 5K. Also recently I reached 1331 and 1333 pictures in my "LC random stuffs" album but forgot to post about them.

Since I look just like our mom, when my brothers and sisters come to my house, they always call me mom and for some reason they want to go into my womb, LOL! (Also these two, who are the youngest in the family, are already adults or are close to being adults, obviously I'm not saying there ages.):

My sister to me: Can I hide under your bed?
Me: No.
My sister to my brother: Can we go to mommy's (talking about me because I'm apparently mom) room?
My brother: Did you just ask if we can go into mom's womb?

This is my favorite MeWe(!):

This literally is me, LOL!

Imagine being a physical girl.

This week last year was a very chaotic week, on my birthday last year we got a new PM, here in the UK, who only lasted a month and exactly two days later the queen died. It's already been a year since that very interesting birthday week.

One of the metal spoons we have broke right where the handle joins with the scoop and my brother just decided to use the scoop to eat ice cream so he was using a very small spoon, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • So Disney plus added new episodes of "Miraculous ladybug"! Wait they only added 1 new episode... And people wonder why I hate Disney (just look at some of the shit they do and the great stuff they ruined!) and blocked them on social media, there isn't anything wrong with the content they make, I actually love it sometimes, but I fucking hate the company. I later found out that they are adding new episodes of "Miraculous ladybug" to Disney plus every Wednesday which is why there was only one episode and I think I see why they are adding one episode a week because the plot over the two recent added episodes has got really fucking interesting. Anyway I watched one episode on Friday and on Monday along with

  • episode 7 and 6 of part 2 of season 2 of "Hataraku Maou-sama!" (I forgot to watch ep 6 last Friday) respectively.

  • I finished "The Squid Girl" which I fucking loved, I wish there was another season but there isn't.

  • I am watching "Aa! Megami-sama!" which looks interesting because it's about goddesses! It has two adaptations, one from the 2000's, which is the one I'm watching, and one from the 90's which is nearly as old as me, and unfortunately it is only partly dubbed which is unfortunate because it looks like the type of anime I would like and would have watched when I started watching anime in 2012. At some point in the future I will have to watch the first adaptation and the rest of it subbed.

  • I found out that "Tonikaku Kawaii: Joshikou-hen" was dubbed so, since it was only 4 episodes, I decided to watch it all and I loved it but I wish they made more episodes but I guess we will have to wait for season 3. Also the character "Jessie" looked kind of like the lofi girl also based on her appearance, how she dressed and her name I don't think she is entirely Japanese.


I found my astrology signs!

Also talking about "Goddess", I found out that the Hebrew word for "Goddess" has the exact same gematria as the gematria of what my (English-Hebrew hybrid) name is a variant of(:) 36:18:9=Goddess(אלה)!

Anyway I thank you all for reading this blog, I love you all, bye!


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