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What LC thinks and stuff 23

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe, I didn't post a weekly blog last week and I am currently writing this at 12:56am July 1st if your wondering why I'm writing this so late it's because my laptop was being questionable because it wasn't charging properly and I was also making a new youtube video which I would have put up earlier but my laptop had to be off because of the charging problem and it wouldn't let me save the video but I did finally get it up, I was planning on writing this which will be apart of this fridays(today) blog and making the new best moment of the month post which will be out by now and I was also planning on updating an important blog about the history of earth on my wiki and I will be adding more blogs this week to the wiki along with updating that blog, I have been doing a lot on my main website.

I also downloaded amazon cloud again but it isn't working properly from what it looks like it so that's a bit annoying, I think it is backing up but I do not know.

So at the moment whilst writing this is am watching sword art online II which now that I'm thinking about it I might merge the anime blog with this main one, this week(well last week now) there really wasn't anything to write about other then I watched some old movies and tv shows, I watched laurel and hardy and faulty towers.

Moving onto this week, its finally July and its interesting because today is my sisters birthday and tomorrow is my best internet friends birthday and on sunday it is my best irl friend(Who is also my second cousin) Lucy's birthday, that's a lot of birthdays! So yesterday we had a party.

On Monday I created a new discord account so I could test a few things out on my server such as the 3 verifications which yes I have a verification on my server so you have to vairify yourself, I believe the things I tested kind of worked so its ok, I have also added 2 new channels one of them for spiritual quotes and one for debunking stuff which people say about be and I only made that channel because someone thought I was a narcissist which I am not and here is a snip of what I said and the channel:

I also created a new VC so people can talk which also has another channel just in case you don't have a mic or you don't like talking in the VC.

Well on tuesday we got a new TV signal up on the roof i was having fun watching them install it and retune the TV, LOL and we fount out whilst they were retuning it that there was a falt on the tv which is a smart tv and the falt may have been the reason as to why the tv never connected to the internet, the tv when we first got it 4 years ago worked and it did connect to the internet but it no longer does and the falt may have been the reason and now the tv turns off all by its self every now and then and because of that we might get a new tv also that night the wifi started to become slow a and I think I told you a few weeks ago when it happened and after it started becoming slow again it became really bad and I could argly do anything for the past 2 days, we did ring up the provider and they did try and fix it but it didnt really help but today about an hour ago we rang up the provider again to upgrade our wifi package so we could have faster wifi and they retried to see if the wifi was better they said it was all normal and I tried using the internet again and it was back to normal but we decided to upgrade anyway so I could do my stuff faster then I could do it previously!

Well that was a long paragraph LOL, well I thank you all for reading I love you all bye!

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