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What LC thinks and stuff 228

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week did start off amazingly amazing but unfortunately it was ruined because of gnostic alchemy again... So much so that I literally got attacked because of her so this post will be added to the "serious" category because this is a serious event and she is extremely dangerous. So lets get into what happened...

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

This is a good point, if the bankers control the money then why would they let the US fund the antisemitic antizionist UN if said bankers are "Jewish"?

It was so good that I decided to use it for what I'm going to talk about next.

On Tuesday I was feeling amazingly amazing, but gnostic alchemy ruined my mood for most of the week by posting more antisemitic BS and ignoring most of what I said in my response:

Also, because of her, I got called a "pedo Jew" because I'm Jewish, I debunked the fake quotes from the Talmud and I post 12 hentai stories out of the 60ish stories I post through the day:

So this is very important to regard(!):

Because of this I decided to add all the followers of my public Instagram account to my close friends list and upload my stories to my close friends stories so that only followers can view them.

Anyway I love this Jewish Occultist account because of there responses to antisemitism:

Also she contradicts herself, which I previously said, when talking about colonization, LOL!


Anyway lets move away from this and onto the good stuff of the week now!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

This week it has been 500 days since the beginning of mine and Lloyd(my fiance)'s relationship! YAY!

(I wanted to talk about this at the beginning of the blog in the hello message but there wasn't enough room and this wasn't as important as that stuff.)


Honestly I wouldn't hesitate to kill a cat like this.

I had a triple burger and I said "that was a nice big juicy burger" and (obviously) my brother took it out of context, LOL!

My sister threw a sausage at me so I put it in her orange juice, LOL!

I brought something on Amazon at 1am on Tuesday and it arrived at 5:30pm that day! I did not actually expect it to come on the day I ordered it.

I found my old drawing/cutting mats!

This is a normal conversation between one of my sisters and brothers when they come to my house:

My sister: I have a vagina penis.
My brother to my sister: If you don't shut up I'll rip your tentacles off!

The Spotify website wasn't loading correctly and it turned out it's "down"...

I had a dream that I was playing Minecraft and I was building the house I use to live in when I moved to the UK and when I woke up I really want to actually build it so yesterday I started doing so!

I had AMOLED Mode on my discord but I updated my discord this week and it was back to the normal dark mode even though the AMOLED Mode toggle was still on but luckly on Friday night it came back! By the looks of it they changed it, by adding borders and making the borders gray, but it's almost entirely black still!

This week I spent time sorting out my public Instagram account:

  • I finally started sorting out the highlights, I took screenshots of the stories in them and deleted them. I am now planning on going through the screenshots and posting some of them in posts on my Instagram account(s).

  • Also I noticed, since followers will be added to close friends, I can now share my favorite song on notes on the account!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime and cartoons:

This week I have started/finished watching:

  • I finished watching "Ore Monogatari!" which was amazing!

  • I then watched "Amagi Brilliant Park" because the opening was sung AKINO, one of my favorite singers, and I loved the song! Anyway the anime was amazing! The ending was very interesting but unfortunately it doesn't, and I doubt it will get one, have a season 2.

  • Anyway I have now starting watching "Hataraku Maou-sama"!


I was thinking last week, cherubim are related to the Merkaba(Merkaba mysticism) so it makes sense as to why I identify as hexagonal because I am a hexagram(!):

"Cherubim(angels) who are (related to) the merkaba(Merkaba mysticism) which is (depicted as) a hexagram in 3D(star tetrahedron), because the tetrahedron represents the 4 faces of a cherubim... the hexagram=Union of male and female=Hermaphrodites=(Hermes/mercury=male energies of Virgo)+(Aphrodite=female energies of Virgo(Spica) the Cosmic Mother Goddess); The Hebrew letter Yod is the Cosmic womb of the (Cosmic) Mother Goddess and in the Kabbalistic Zodiac it corresponds to Virgo; Yod constructs all Hebrew letters, which can be formed out of the hexagram, and is equal to 10 the tetractys which contains the hexagonal yod/hexagram which forms the tetrahedron grid fractal(4(×)4(×)4), which is 4D because it is a portion of the 600-cell therefore it is the 4th dimension, Virgos dimension, which is the womb of the Mother Goddess, also in the Kabbalah the Mother Goddess is an important figure known as (the) Shekhinah(Virgo)..."

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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