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What LC thinks and stuff 221

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! There was a massive thunderstorm at 4am this morning and it woke me up because of how loud it was, there was also a storm on Monday and I was like "unfortunate, I was hoping to eat more ice and have freezing cold showers", LOL! So the weather keeps being warm for a few days and then goes to being stormy and apparently its going to be like this for a while. Anyway lets get into this week!

Just want to say this before I get into the week:

Unfortunately on Tuesday a (terrorist) attack (I'm going to be calling it a terrorist attack because unfortunately, let's be honest, it's pretty much similar to terrorist attacks which have happened) has happened here in the UK... May the victims who died RIP and my the victims who survived heal fully. Anyway lets move onto this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

This is literally me!

I finally got to update my name!

My brother keeps calling me a tomboy, I still have no idea how I'm a tomboy.

I thought he unblocked me but no, LOL!

I downloaded cookie clicker!

My ass is so big that the sky is now in my ass:

My brother: What's up? The sky.
Me: No, the sky is everywhere because it's space. Space surrounds us everywhere.
My brother: Even in your ass because of how big your ass is.

This is the first time I've heard of and had lime marmalade and it is fucking amazing!

This is literally me every morning, LOL!

My fiances new "nickname" for me is "Miss squishy peach" because I have a, and I'm quoting him, "squishy fat ass", LOL!

Me if I had a cat:

Pronouns are now a thing on Discord so my pronouns are now:

Random thought whilst I was going to sleep: I find it weird how under everyone's flesh there are bones and how our nervous system is even able to move our bodies.

I got 4 follow requests in less than a day yesterday. I'm starting to think I should sort out the request list, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime and cartoons:

I finished watching "Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta?" and I loved it!

I then binge watched all of "Net-juu no Susume" which I loved so much that I pretty much had to watch it all in one night. I haven't binge watching an entire anime in one night for ages.

I also watched "Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun" which was very funny and amazing, my favorite line from it was "We like to meet at my apartment for unspecified activities", LOL!

Anyway I am now watching "Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge".


As I have mentioned multiple times, I have been very busy irl so I haven't had much time to research and when I have I've been researching other stuff rather than finishing this diagram. So I have decided to try and finish it for next week since next week is week 222 anyway I made a few update to it yesterday such as moving some stuff around and removing content that isn't really important to the diagram:

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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