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What LC thinks and stuff 215

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! This week was amazing(!) and again I don't have anything to say in the hello message plus I don't know what to say so lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I found one of my eyes, LOL!

On Monday I had a dream I was eating a chocolate cake and something really interesting about that dream was I could actually taste it, guess my dreams are becoming more realistic.

Also on Monday I posted literal hentai on my Instagram story and I censored it and I'm surprised(?) Instagram even kept it up, LOL!

I don't know how but this one ant somehow got in my house and into my bedroom so I trapped it under my cup of green tea, I did end up setting it free. It does make me wonder what it was thinking when it was trapped though.

This week I watched the first two episodes of "A Small Light", on Disney plus, which were amazing! I can't wait to see the next episode also apparently there is 10 episodes but Wikipedia only lists 4.

I found my old crystal growing set but unfortunately it's unusable because it's old.

There changing usernames!

Also there is now an option to change the layout of discord. It can be turned on and off in settings but you can also do it with the sparkle emoji.

Two of my brothers said I am wikipedia because I know a lot, LOL!

On Friday me, Lloyd and my friend had a takeaway but I didn't know what to have and honestly I couldn't decide because I normally have the special burger(which is my favorite burger) but the takeaway now does a spaghetti pizza and I'm like "who the fuck would put spaghetti on a pizza‽ I fucking need to try this!" so I seriously didn't know what to have because I really wanted to try the spaghetti pizza but then I really like the burger, LOL! But I ended up choosing the burger as usual, LOL! I will have to try the pizza next time.

The ahegao knickers arrived(!), LOL! Now I'm just waiting for the mask!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime and cartoons:

I have finished "Kill la kill" which was amazing, I don't know why I didn't watch it a few years ago. Also in the first episode Ryuko Matoi ate a lemon which is relatable, LOL! Anyway I am now watching "Marvel Future Avengers" which is an anime adaptation of Marvel on Disney plus.

Also this week, after watching "A Small Light", I found out season 2 of "Star Wars Visions" was coming out on the 4th so I spent 4 hours 20 minutes (420, LOL!) watching all of it and then "The Owl House" season 3 episode 3 which was finally added to Disney plus on the 3rd. The ending of "The Owl House" was amazing!


I found this interesting looking website about numbers so I'll be checking it out:

Also talking about numbers, I've been doing more research into both of the gematrias of my name(547 and 438) and found out they are linked through the number 666:

Base 547=546=182 polygon.

((1/547)¹+(1/547)²+(1/547)³+...)=1/546 therefore ((1/547)¹+(1/547)²+(1/547)³+...)^-1=546.

546=5+4+6=15=15th triangle number=120=5×4×6=546.

546+15=561=33rd triangle number.

546+120=666(36th triangle number)(base 9)=546=222(hexadecimal)(base 667=666=222 polygon), 834=438(base 14)(reverse)=666(base 8), 834=1680(sum of divisors), 438=888(sum of divisors).

546=396(base 12)|693=11:33=11×33=363=231+132, 547=397(base 12)=base 397=396=132 polygon, 976(26th centered triangular number and the 16th decagonal number)=694(22nd centered triangular number)(base 12)=base 694=693=231 polygon, 132=13+2=15=5th triangle number, 231(21st triangle number)=2+31=33. 132=336(sum of divisors)=168+168.

693=77×9=(77th star number→229 tetractys→)77th centered nonagonal number. 693=231×3, 231=384(sum of divisors)=base 385, 385+385=770, 976=16×61, 16+61=77

693+396=1089(18th nonagonal number and the 17th centered octagonal number)=33²(33×33)=363×3=441(hexadecimal)=21²(21×21), 693(base 12)=975=33033(base 4).

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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