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What LC thinks and stuff 210

Writer's picture: LCLC

Hello amazingly amazing children of the universe! I can finally confirm as of last Sunday, after a lot of planning for a few weeks and sorting a lot of stuff out, that Lloyd(my fiance) will be moving into my house during the Easter holiday, which is next week, YAY! My friends said, and I'm quoting them, "great were going to hear wet, slapping and moaning noises every night", LOL! Anyway lets get into this week!

Random and funny stuff of the week:

I didn't know you could get braille on desmos, I'm confused as to how it is exactly used so it would be interesting to find out. It basically turns the equations into braille:

Last week I was remembering songs that I wanted to add to my nostalgia playlist on Spotify but I forgot them, LOL! Luckily I think I remember them all so I've added them to the playlist but it's annoying when you forget songs.

I found one of the original faces of my lamp and apparently I coloured the 64 tetrahedron grid black.

This literally reminds me of my family, LOL!

I don't remember if I've said this before, I think I have though, but I live a few miles away from a train track and on Wednesday night late at night I heard a train and it was loud as fuck. I didn't know trains were still running that late at night.

Me leaving work during the summer:

This week I saw an amazing blue car, I love the colour of blue it was! I said "that's a beautiful blue car" and my friend said "well that's a new BBC you like", LOL!

This is literally something I would do, LOL! (Full video)

My brothers weird comments again:

My brother: Your a dodo bird.
Me: I'm not a dodo bird.
My brother: No your a dildo bird.

This is literally me, LOL!

This is something I would do, LOL!

Honestly I don't know what to say about this, LOL(!):

Me: *sucks Pepsi out of my slushy cup*
My friend: Stop sucking that straw, this isn't pornhub.
Me: I don't care if it isn't pornhub!
My friend: I don't care about seeing your vagina hairs.

Not only do I look like my mom but apparently I sound like her now. I may as well turn into her, LOL!

LC art/Art of LC:

New picture!

Anime and cartoons:

Since I am currently watching anime which are airing and I'm all caught up with them as of now, I decided I would watch "In/Spectre" this week and unfortunately I finished it and I say that because it was honestly fucking amazing, I loved it! It is definitely one of my favorite anime also I fucking love " Kotoko lwanaga" she is amazing! Anyway It's second season finished airing a few days ago but unfortunately it isn't dubbed yet so I'll have to wait to watch season 2.

Anyway I have now started watching "Summer Time Rendering", on Disney plus, and it's already amazing!

Anyway I thank you all for reading, I love you all, bye!


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